Sabīnes Košeļevas personības un stāstu krājuma "Vientulības ministrija" apguve literatūras mācību stundās 11. klasē
Bērziņa, Anete
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Latvijas Universitāte
Diplomdarba “Sabīnes Košeļevas personības un stāstu krājuma “Vientulības ministrija” apguve literatūras mācību stundās 11. klasē” mērķis ir izstrādāt metodiskās sistēmas variantu, kas 11. klasē palīdzētu apgūt jaunās autores Sabīnes Košeļevas personību un stāstu krājumu, kas veicinātu izpratni par cilvēku savstarpējām attiecībām un dažādu faktoru ietekmi uz tām. Darba saturu veido ievads, piecas nodaļas ar apakšnodaļām, secinājumi un pielikumi. Pirmajā nodaļā apskatīta literatūras mācību priekšmeta specifika un vērtīborientācijas veidošana mācību procesā. Otrajā nodaļā izzināta Sabīnes Košeļevas personība un daiļrade. Trešajā nodaļā aprakstīta skolotājas sagatavošanās darbam ar skolēniem, tajā apzināta un studēta zinātniskā literatūra par jauniešu vecumposma īpatnībām, raksturoti pedagoģiskajā izmēģinājumā iesaistītās klases skolēni. Tāpat nodaļā iekļauts mācību satura un organizācijas plānojums. Ceturtajā nodaļā aprakstīta Sabīnes Košeļevas personības un daiļrades apguvei veltīto stundu norise, kā arī stundu izvērtējums. Pielikumā pievienota intervija ar jauno literāti, kā arī diplomandes veidotie mācību materiāli un skolēnu darbu paraugi. Mācību materiālu efektivitāte pārbaudīta pedagoģiskā izmēģinājuma laikā. Diplomdarbs rekomendējams studentiem, latviešu valodas un literatūras skolotājiem, kuri strādā vidusskolā, kā arī citiem interesentiem. Atslēgas vārdi: Sabīne Košeļeva, “Vientulības ministrija”, vērtības, problēmas, mūsdienas.
The aim of the diploma thesis “Acquisition of Sabīne Košeļeva's personality and story collection “Vientulības ministrija” in literature lessons in the 11th grads” is to develop a methodological system variant in the 11th grade which would help to acquire the personality and collection of stories of the new author Sabīne Košeļeva and would promote the understanding of human relationships and the influence of various factors on them. The content of the work consists of an introduction, five chapters with subsections, conclusions and appendices. The first chapter deals with the specifics of literature as a subject and the formation of value orientation in the study process. In the second chapter, Sabīne Košeļeva's personality and creative work are explored. The third chapter describes the teacher's preparation for work with students, identifies and studies the scientific literature on the peculiarities of the age group of young people, describes the students involved in the pedagogical experiment. The chapter also includes the study content and organization plan. The fourth chapter describes the course of lessons dedicated to the acquisition of Sabīne Košeļeva's personality and creative work, as well as the evaluation of the lessons. Attached is an interview with the young writer, as well as teaching materials and samples of students' works. The effectiveness of the teaching materials was tested during the pedagogical experiment. The diploma thesis is recommended for students, Latvian language and literature teachers working in secondary school, as well as other interested parties. Keywords: Sabīne Košeļeva, “Vientulības ministrija”, values, problems, nowadays.
The aim of the diploma thesis “Acquisition of Sabīne Košeļeva's personality and story collection “Vientulības ministrija” in literature lessons in the 11th grads” is to develop a methodological system variant in the 11th grade which would help to acquire the personality and collection of stories of the new author Sabīne Košeļeva and would promote the understanding of human relationships and the influence of various factors on them. The content of the work consists of an introduction, five chapters with subsections, conclusions and appendices. The first chapter deals with the specifics of literature as a subject and the formation of value orientation in the study process. In the second chapter, Sabīne Košeļeva's personality and creative work are explored. The third chapter describes the teacher's preparation for work with students, identifies and studies the scientific literature on the peculiarities of the age group of young people, describes the students involved in the pedagogical experiment. The chapter also includes the study content and organization plan. The fourth chapter describes the course of lessons dedicated to the acquisition of Sabīne Košeļeva's personality and creative work, as well as the evaluation of the lessons. Attached is an interview with the young writer, as well as teaching materials and samples of students' works. The effectiveness of the teaching materials was tested during the pedagogical experiment. The diploma thesis is recommended for students, Latvian language and literature teachers working in secondary school, as well as other interested parties. Keywords: Sabīne Košeļeva, “Vientulības ministrija”, values, problems, nowadays.
Pedagoģija , Sabīne Košeļeva , "Vientulības ministrija" , vērtības , problēmas , mūsdienas