Daugavas krastmalu publiskā pieejamība Rīgā
Avotniece, Ilze
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Latvijas Universitāte
Darba mērķis ir izpētīt Daugavas krastu publisko pieejamību Rīgā. Publiskās telpas pilsētās ir nepieciešamas, lai vietējiem iedzīvotājiem būtu rekreācijas un socializēšanās vieta. To esamība un kvalitāte parāda pilsētas attīstību, vai iedzīvotājiem ir nodrošināta ne tikai pajumte, ēdiens un veselības aprūpe, bet arī brīvā laika pavadīšanas un atpūtas iespējas pilsētvidē. Daugava Rīgā ir centrālais dabas elements, bet tās krastmalu pieejamība daudzās vietās ir ierobežota. Rīgā upes krastmalu pieejamību limitē intensīvi autoceļi, privātmājas, ostas darbība un mazdārziņi.
Atslēgas vārdi: publiskā telpa, Daugavas krastmala Rīgā, labvēlīga vieta, ūdens vērtība rekreācijā.
Goal of the work is to explore Daugava riverside in Riga. Public space in cities is necessary, so that local communty have place for recreation and socialization. Being and quality of public space shows development of city, whether inhabitants are provided not only with shelter, food and health care, but also free and leasure time spending place in urban city environment. River Daugava in Riga is the central environmental element, but accessability of its riverfront is limited. In Riga availability of river waterfront is limited because of intensive streets, privat houses, operation of port and allotments. Key words: public space, Daugava riverside in Riga, good place, value of water in recreation.
Goal of the work is to explore Daugava riverside in Riga. Public space in cities is necessary, so that local communty have place for recreation and socialization. Being and quality of public space shows development of city, whether inhabitants are provided not only with shelter, food and health care, but also free and leasure time spending place in urban city environment. River Daugava in Riga is the central environmental element, but accessability of its riverfront is limited. In Riga availability of river waterfront is limited because of intensive streets, privat houses, operation of port and allotments. Key words: public space, Daugava riverside in Riga, good place, value of water in recreation.
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