Organizācijas „Daugavas Vanagi” darbība (20. gs. 50.—60. gadi)
Akmentiņa, Inese
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darbā apskatīta latviešu kara veterānu dibinātās organizācijas Daugavas Vanagi (DV) darbība no tās dibināšanas laika, 1945. gada decembra (Cēdelgēmā, Beļģija), līdz 60. gadu beigām. Sākumā tā tika dibināta kā bijušo karavīru aprūpes organizācija. Bez aprūpes uzdevumiem, DV pakāpeniski izvērsa savu darbību arī kultūras un sabiedriskajā jomā. Liela uzmanība tika pievērsta jaunatnes organizāciju, latviešu skolu un dažādu trimdas latviešu kultūras pasākumu veicināšanā. Ievērības cienīgs ir arī darbs, kas ieguldīts izveidojot vienu no plašākajiem trimdas periodiskajiem izdevumiem - Daugavas Vanagu mēnešraksts (DVM). Apskatāmajā vēsturiskajā periodā DV izveidojās par ietekmīgāko latviešu emigrācijas sabiedriski politisko organizāciju ar izteiktu antikomunistisku ievirzi.
The bachelor paper aims to disclose the operation of the organization Daugavas Vanagi established by Latvian army veterans from December 1945 to 1960-ties (established in December 1945 in Zedelgam, Belgium). At the beginning it was established as the care organization for the former soldiers of Latvian army. Gradually it expanded the nature of operations and started to act as the cultural and social organization. It played a significant role in the activities of youth organizations, Latvian schools and various cultural events for Latvian exiles. Daugavas vanagi also established one of the largest and notable monthly Latvian exile magazine Daugavas Vanagu mēnešraksts. During the mentioned period Daugavas Vanagi became as one of the most influential Latvian exile political organization with anti-communist orientation
The bachelor paper aims to disclose the operation of the organization Daugavas Vanagi established by Latvian army veterans from December 1945 to 1960-ties (established in December 1945 in Zedelgam, Belgium). At the beginning it was established as the care organization for the former soldiers of Latvian army. Gradually it expanded the nature of operations and started to act as the cultural and social organization. It played a significant role in the activities of youth organizations, Latvian schools and various cultural events for Latvian exiles. Daugavas vanagi also established one of the largest and notable monthly Latvian exile magazine Daugavas Vanagu mēnešraksts. During the mentioned period Daugavas Vanagi became as one of the most influential Latvian exile political organization with anti-communist orientation