Biotisko un abiotisko faktoru ietekme uz makroaļģu izplatību Rīgas līča piekrastē
Borisova, Viktorija
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Latvijas Universitāte
Darbs ir veltīts tādai sugu grupai, kā makroaļģes, kas ir gan biotopu veidojošas sugas, kas nodrošina ekosistēmai svarīgas funkcijas un raksturo attiecīgās ūdens ekosistēmas stāvokli un struktūru, kā arī veido vērtīgus biotopus. Tā kā nav iespējams apsekot plašas teritorijas, lielu izmaksu dēļ, vairāku pētījumu ietvaros tikuši pētīti makroaļģu izplatībai piemērotie apstākļi, balstoties uz kuriem būtu iespējams modelēt konkrētu makroaļģu izplatību.
Pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot faktorus, kas ietekmē makroaļģu izplatību tieši Rīgas līča piekrastē, par pamatu ņemot literatūrā izdalītos faktorus. Pētījuma rezultātā tika konstatēts, ka abās Rīgas līča piekrastēs būtiska ietekme uz makroaļģu pārklājumu ir mērījuma punkta dziļumam, Seki dziļumam un rupjgraudainās sedimentu frakcijas pārklājumam. Savukārt tādi abiotiski parametri kā suspendētais materiāls un kopējā oglekļa koncentrācija, un biotiskais faktors – hlorofila a koncentrācija, neietekmē makroaļģu pārklājumu pētītās teritorijās.
Research work is made about the group of species such as macroalgae, which is both a habitat-forming species that provide important ecosystem functions and characterizes state and structure of aquatic ecosystems and form valuable habitats. Since it is impossible to survey vast areas, due to large expenses, during several researches have been studied macroalgae spread appropriate to the circumstances on the basis of which it would be possible to model specific macroalgae distribution. The aim of the work was to determine factors that affect macroalgae distribution in coastal zone of Gulf of Riga, on the basis of literature studies. During research was found that on the both Gulf coasts significant impact on macroalgae coverage has the measurement point depth, Secchi depth and coarse-grained sediment fraction coverage. By contrast, such abiotic parameters as suspended matter and the total carbon concentration, and biotic factors - chlorophyll a concentration does not affect macroalgae coverage at the studied areas.
Research work is made about the group of species such as macroalgae, which is both a habitat-forming species that provide important ecosystem functions and characterizes state and structure of aquatic ecosystems and form valuable habitats. Since it is impossible to survey vast areas, due to large expenses, during several researches have been studied macroalgae spread appropriate to the circumstances on the basis of which it would be possible to model specific macroalgae distribution. The aim of the work was to determine factors that affect macroalgae distribution in coastal zone of Gulf of Riga, on the basis of literature studies. During research was found that on the both Gulf coasts significant impact on macroalgae coverage has the measurement point depth, Secchi depth and coarse-grained sediment fraction coverage. By contrast, such abiotic parameters as suspended matter and the total carbon concentration, and biotic factors - chlorophyll a concentration does not affect macroalgae coverage at the studied areas.
Ģeogrāfija , Rīgas līcis , piekraste , makroaļģu pārklājums , ūdens caurspīdība , sedimenti