Dvarjona, Ieva
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Latvijas Universitāte
Pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot, vai pastāv saistība starp agresīvu braukšanu un „Lielā piecinieka” personības faktoriem.
Lai pārbaudītu pētījuma jautājumu, tika veikts korelatīvs pētījums, kurā piedalījās 60 respondenti. Izlasi veidoja abu dzimumu pārstāvji (vīrieši n=36; sievietes n =24) vecumā no 18- 55 gadiem (M=29,5 SD= 10,37). Visiem respondentiem bija auto vadītāja apliecība un viņi ikdienā pārvietojas ar automašīnu. Izlases tika veidotas pēc brīvprātības principa, aptaujas bija anonīmas un tās tika dotas gan elektroniski, gan individuālā veidā.
Pētījuma instrumentārijā ietilpa divas aptaujas: Saīsinātā agresīvas braukšanas aptauja (ABA, Perepjolkina, 2010) un Lielā piecinieka aptauja (The Big Five Inventory, BFI; John & Srivastava, 1999). BFI sākotnējo aptaujas adaptāciju veica I. Austers (Austers, 2007), taču vēlāk precizētu tulkojumu veica V.Perepjolkina un E.Kālis (Perepjolkina & Kālis, 2012).
Apstrādātie rezultāti parādīja, ka nozīmīgu saistību ar agresīvu braukšanu uzrāda tikai viens no „Lielā piecinieka” personības faktoriem- labvēlīgums. Labvēlīgums uzrādīja apgriezti proporcionālu saistību, respektīvi, samazinoties Labvēlīguma rādītājam, palielinās tieksme braukt agresīvi. Pārējie personības faktori (ekstraversija, neirotisms, apzinīgums, atvērtība) neuzrādīja statistiski būtisku saistību ar agresīvu braukšanu.
Pētījums rezultāti parāda, ka ne vienmēr personības faktori ir saistīti ar agresīvu braukšanu un spēj to prognozēt.
Atslēgas vārdi: Agresīva braukšana, autovadītāji, Lielais piecinieks, personības faktori
The objective of this paper was to determine whether there are coherence between aggressive driving and “Big Five” personality factors. To verify the issue of this paper correlative research was made, in which 60 respondents took part. Selection was made by representatives of both gender (men n=36, women n=24) at the age of 18-55 (M=29,5 SD= 10,37). All respondents had driving licence and they use car on everyday basis. The selections were made on principle of voluntary participation, the questionnaires were anonymous and they were given both in electronic and individual form. In the set of instruments of the paper were included two questionnaires – short aggressive driving questionnaire (ABA, Perepjolkina, 2010) and Big Five questionnaire (The Big Five Inventory, BFI; John & Srivastava, 1999). The primary adaptation of BFI questionnaire was made by I. Austers (Austers, 2007), but later the updated translation was made by V.Perepjolkina and E.Kālis (Perepjolkina & Kālis, 2012). The processed results displayed that significant coherence with aggressive driving produces only one out of “Big Five” personality factors – agreeableness. Agreeableness displayed inversely proportional coherence, namely, by decreasing agreeableness indicator, tendency to drive aggressively grows. The other personality factors (extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, openness) did not display any significant coherence with aggressive driving. The results of this research demonstrate that not always the personality factors are cohesive with aggressive driving and are able to prognosticate it. Keywords: Aggressive driving, drivers, Big Five, personality factors.
The objective of this paper was to determine whether there are coherence between aggressive driving and “Big Five” personality factors. To verify the issue of this paper correlative research was made, in which 60 respondents took part. Selection was made by representatives of both gender (men n=36, women n=24) at the age of 18-55 (M=29,5 SD= 10,37). All respondents had driving licence and they use car on everyday basis. The selections were made on principle of voluntary participation, the questionnaires were anonymous and they were given both in electronic and individual form. In the set of instruments of the paper were included two questionnaires – short aggressive driving questionnaire (ABA, Perepjolkina, 2010) and Big Five questionnaire (The Big Five Inventory, BFI; John & Srivastava, 1999). The primary adaptation of BFI questionnaire was made by I. Austers (Austers, 2007), but later the updated translation was made by V.Perepjolkina and E.Kālis (Perepjolkina & Kālis, 2012). The processed results displayed that significant coherence with aggressive driving produces only one out of “Big Five” personality factors – agreeableness. Agreeableness displayed inversely proportional coherence, namely, by decreasing agreeableness indicator, tendency to drive aggressively grows. The other personality factors (extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, openness) did not display any significant coherence with aggressive driving. The results of this research demonstrate that not always the personality factors are cohesive with aggressive driving and are able to prognosticate it. Keywords: Aggressive driving, drivers, Big Five, personality factors.