Fotogrāfijas un informatīvi grafiskā dizaina iepazīšana pamatskolā
Ābele, Anita
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Latvijas Universitāte
Anitas Ābeles diplomdarbā “Fotogrāfijas un informatīvi grafiskā dizaina iepazīšana pamatskolā” pētīti fotomākslas, fotogrāfiskā redzējuma un plakāta mākslas pamatprincipi, attīstība un šodienas aina, lai izstrādātu uzdevumu kopu 5. klases skolēniem, kas īstenota Rīgas Jāņa Poruka vidusskolā. Uzdevumi skolēniem palīdz gūt ieskatu fotogrāfijā un plakāta mākslā, fotoplenēra formā labāk iepazīt apkārtnes kultūrvidi, apgūt darbu noformēšanas pamatus, izmantot fotodarbus plakāta un ielūguma veidošanā un iekārtot kopīgu izstādi, kas rāda skolas apkaimi dalībnieku redzējumā, atgādinot, ka pasaule ar mums runā līniju, krāsu un virsmu valodā. Tas ir izglītojošs un audzinošs, vizuālo domāšanu veicinošs ceļš no saredzēšanas un sajušanas līdz saprašanai un parādīšanai. Uzdevumu kopa attīstās kā kontekstuāls, ar vietējo vidi saistīts vizuālās komunikācijas projekts, kas īstenots, izmantojot fotovalodu un informatīvi grafiskā dizaina līdzekļus.
Atslēgas vārdi: vizuālās mākslas izglītība, informatīvi grafiskais dizains, plakāts, fotogrāfija, plenērs, skatīšanās, vizuālā komunikācija.
Anita Ābele’s diploma paper “Studies of Photography and Informative Graphic Design in the Elementary School” explores the basic principles, evolution and contemporary development of photography, photographic vision and poster art, in order to elaborate a set of exercises for pupils of form 5 that has been realised in Jānis Poruks Riga Secondary School. The exercises are aimed to introduce pupils to photography and poster art, to improve their knowledge of the surrounding scenery in open-air photography sessions, to acquire basic mounting skills, to use their photos in poster and invitation designs and to organise a joint exhibition showing their vision of the neighbourhood and reminding that the world speaks to us in terms of lines, colours and surfaces, frequently unnoticed by contemporary people. Both instructive and educational, this progress from seeing and feeling to understanding and demonstrating helps to improve pupils’ ability of visual thinking. The exercises form a site-specific project of visual communication using photographic expression and methods of graphic design. Key words: visual arts education, informative graphic design, poster, photography, open-air, seeing, visual communication.
Anita Ābele’s diploma paper “Studies of Photography and Informative Graphic Design in the Elementary School” explores the basic principles, evolution and contemporary development of photography, photographic vision and poster art, in order to elaborate a set of exercises for pupils of form 5 that has been realised in Jānis Poruks Riga Secondary School. The exercises are aimed to introduce pupils to photography and poster art, to improve their knowledge of the surrounding scenery in open-air photography sessions, to acquire basic mounting skills, to use their photos in poster and invitation designs and to organise a joint exhibition showing their vision of the neighbourhood and reminding that the world speaks to us in terms of lines, colours and surfaces, frequently unnoticed by contemporary people. Both instructive and educational, this progress from seeing and feeling to understanding and demonstrating helps to improve pupils’ ability of visual thinking. The exercises form a site-specific project of visual communication using photographic expression and methods of graphic design. Key words: visual arts education, informative graphic design, poster, photography, open-air, seeing, visual communication.