Pārbaudes darbu komplekts kursam Algebra I
Korņejeva, Kristīne
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Latvijas Universitāte
Diplomdarba mērķis ir izveidot pārbaudes darbu komplektu kursam Algebra I, kas palīdzētu studentiem apgūt lineārās algebras pamatus un izveidotu bāzes zināšanas, kas noder turpmākajās studijās. Darbs sastāv no vairākām nodaļām, kuras satur pašus pārbaudes darbus vairākos variantos, kas paredzēti studentu zināšanu pārbaudei pēc katra būtiskā temata beigšanas, un uzdevumu atrisinājumus. Klāt pievienoti vērtēšanas kritēriji, kas atvieglo pedagoga darbu un pamato vērtēšanu, un darbu veikšanai nepieciešamais laiks. Diplomdarbā ir arī apkopots teorētiskais materiāls (definīcijas un teorēmas)par tām algebras tēmām, ko apgūst pirmā kursa sākumā algebrā: determinanti, matricas un lineāras vienādojumu sistēmas. Diplomdarba izvēlētās tēmas aktualitāti pamato darba sākumā apkopotie kontroles plusi un tās pozitīvās ietekmes nosacījumi
The graduation work purpose is to create probationary work package for course Algebra I, which will help student to adopt the base of linear algebra and build the foundation of knowledge’s, which will come in useful in further studies. The work consist of several chapters, which hold probationary tasks in several versions, which are provided for checking student knowledge’s after finishing each relevant theme, and the solutions of these tasks. There are added the valuation criterions, which will help in the teacher work and fortify the valuation, and the time, which is needed for solving these tasks. Of course, there is a theoretical material (definitions and theorems), which consist of such themes of algebra like determinant, matrix and linear equation systems. But in the beginning of work are sum up the pluses of checking and conditions of its positive effect.
The graduation work purpose is to create probationary work package for course Algebra I, which will help student to adopt the base of linear algebra and build the foundation of knowledge’s, which will come in useful in further studies. The work consist of several chapters, which hold probationary tasks in several versions, which are provided for checking student knowledge’s after finishing each relevant theme, and the solutions of these tasks. There are added the valuation criterions, which will help in the teacher work and fortify the valuation, and the time, which is needed for solving these tasks. Of course, there is a theoretical material (definitions and theorems), which consist of such themes of algebra like determinant, matrix and linear equation systems. But in the beginning of work are sum up the pluses of checking and conditions of its positive effect.