Eksplozīvā spēka attīstība U16-U17 basketbolistiem
Kloppe, Elāns
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Latvijas Universitāte
Kvalifikācijas darba tēma ir “Eksplozīvā spēka attīstība U16-U17 basketbolistiem”. Papildus veicot pietupienus ar svaru stieni uz muguras un svaru stieņa vilkmi no zemes, uzlabosies ne tikai lēcienu attīstība, bet arī jauniešu pārliecība pašiem par sevi, kas veicinās lielāku motivāciju un gandarījumu trenēties, jo šajā vecumā ir būtiski katram jaunietim nezaudēt pārliecību pār savām spējām. Lēciens tiek uzskatīts par viens no būtiskākajiem tehnikas elementu basketbolā. Kvalifikācijas darba mērķis pētīt un analizēt U16-U17 basketbolistu eksplozīvā spēka attīstības ietekmi uz lēcienu dinamiku. Pētījuma gaitā tika veikts eksperiments, kā uzlabosies lēcienu attīstība U16-U17 basketbolistiem trenējot pietupienus ar svaru stieni uz muguras un svaru stieņu vilkmi no zemes. Pētījumā piedalījās 5 audzēkņi kontrolgrupā un 5 audzēkņi eksperimentālajā grupā. Pētījuma rezultātā darba autors secina, ka eksperimentālās grupas rezultāti vertikālajam lēcienam no vietas uzlabojās par 6 cm, kā arī vertikālais lēciens no ieskrējiena uzlabojās par 6 cm, bet kontrolgrupas vertikālais lēciens no vietas uzlabojās par 2 cm, kā arī vertikālais lēciens ar ieskrējienu uzlabojās par 2 cm. Atslēgas vārdi: vertikālais lēciens, pietupieni, svaru stieņu vilkme no zemes, eksplozīvais spēks, 16-17 gadus veci pusaudži, muskuļu spēks.
The topic of the qualification paper is “Explosive strenght development for U16-U17 Basketball Players”. Squats and deadlift will improve not only the development of jumps, but also young people's self-confidence, which will promote greater motivation and satisfaction to train, because at this age it is important for every young person not to lose confidence. Jump is considered to be one of the most important technical elements in basketball. The aim of the qualification paper is to find out the influence of the development of the explosive strenght of U16-U17 basketball players on the dynamics of jumps. In the course of the research, an experiment was performed on how the development of jumps U16-U17 will improve by training the squats and the deadlift. 5 students in the control group and 5 students in the experimental group participated in the study. As a result of the experiment, the author concludes that the results of the experimental group for the vertical jump from the spot improved by 6 cm, as well as the vertical jump from the run improved by 6 cm, but the vertical jump from the control group improved by 2 cm, and the vertical jump with the run improved by 2 cm. Keywords: vertical jump, squats, deadlift, explosive strenght, 16-17 years old teenagers, muscle strength
The topic of the qualification paper is “Explosive strenght development for U16-U17 Basketball Players”. Squats and deadlift will improve not only the development of jumps, but also young people's self-confidence, which will promote greater motivation and satisfaction to train, because at this age it is important for every young person not to lose confidence. Jump is considered to be one of the most important technical elements in basketball. The aim of the qualification paper is to find out the influence of the development of the explosive strenght of U16-U17 basketball players on the dynamics of jumps. In the course of the research, an experiment was performed on how the development of jumps U16-U17 will improve by training the squats and the deadlift. 5 students in the control group and 5 students in the experimental group participated in the study. As a result of the experiment, the author concludes that the results of the experimental group for the vertical jump from the spot improved by 6 cm, as well as the vertical jump from the run improved by 6 cm, but the vertical jump from the control group improved by 2 cm, and the vertical jump with the run improved by 2 cm. Keywords: vertical jump, squats, deadlift, explosive strenght, 16-17 years old teenagers, muscle strength
Sporta zinātne , vertikālais lēciens , pietupieni , svaru stieņu vilkme no zemes , eksplozīvais spēks , 16-17 gadus veci pusaudži