Sterilu jaunu radioaktīvu peptīdu sintēze un to pretvēža aktivitāte in vitro sistēmās
Mazkalniņa, Līva
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Latvijas Universitāte
NET audzēji ir visbiežāk diagnosticētā onkoloģiskā saslimšana no visiem vēža veidiem. Krūts vēzis, kas pieskaitāms NET audzējiem, ir biežākā onkoloģiskā saslimšana sievietēm ar vairākiem simtiem tūkstošu jaunu gadījumu katru gadu. Kopš pagājušā gadsimta beigām klīniskajā praksē tiek izmantota audzēju un to metastāžu diagnostika ar radiofarmaceitiskajiem preparātiem. Pēdējos gados onkoloģijā tiek ieviesta teranostika – diagnostika un terapija ar audzējam specifisku peptīdu, kas piesaistīts pie radionuklīda. Ar HA-DOTA-TATE, kas ir somatostatīna analogs, saistīti radionuklīdi paver iespējas pacientiem pieejamai teranostikai. Taču trūkst pētījumu par HA-DOTA-TATE spēju saistīties pie SSTR. Tāpēc tika veikts šis pētījums. Izmantojot trīs vēža šūnu līnijas (MDA-MB-231, SkBr3 un MCF-7) un dermālo fibroblastu šūnu līniju HDFa kā kontroli, tika noteikta ar 68Ga un 177Lu saistīta HA-DOTA-TATE aktivitātes saistīšanās šūnās. Iegūtie rezultāti uzrāda, ka uz HA-DOTA-TATE balstīti radiofarmaceitiskie preparāti ir potenciāli izmantojami gan NET audzēju diagnostikā, gan terapijā.
NET tumors are the most common oncologic disease out of all cancer types. Brest cancer, which is one of NET types, is the most common oncological disease amongst women with hundreds of thousands of new cases every year. Since the end of last century radiopharmaceuticals are used for diagnostic of tumours and their metastases in clinical practise. In the last few years a new approach have arised in ocology – theranostics – diagnostic and therapy with tumor specific peptide that is labelled with radionuclide. HA-DOTA-TATE (somatostatin analoge) labelled radionuclides opens door for affordable theranostics for patients. But there are lack of studies about how good or bad HA-DOTA-TATE affinty to SSTR is. That is why this study was performed. Using three cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231, SkBr3 and MCF-7) and dermal fibroblast cell line HDFa as control 68Ga and 177Lu labelled HA-DOTA-TATE affinity was measured in those cell lines. Results show that radiolabelled HA-DOTA-TATE have potential to be used in both therapy and diagnostic of NET tumors.
NET tumors are the most common oncologic disease out of all cancer types. Brest cancer, which is one of NET types, is the most common oncological disease amongst women with hundreds of thousands of new cases every year. Since the end of last century radiopharmaceuticals are used for diagnostic of tumours and their metastases in clinical practise. In the last few years a new approach have arised in ocology – theranostics – diagnostic and therapy with tumor specific peptide that is labelled with radionuclide. HA-DOTA-TATE (somatostatin analoge) labelled radionuclides opens door for affordable theranostics for patients. But there are lack of studies about how good or bad HA-DOTA-TATE affinty to SSTR is. That is why this study was performed. Using three cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231, SkBr3 and MCF-7) and dermal fibroblast cell line HDFa as control 68Ga and 177Lu labelled HA-DOTA-TATE affinity was measured in those cell lines. Results show that radiolabelled HA-DOTA-TATE have potential to be used in both therapy and diagnostic of NET tumors.
Bioloģija , HA-DOTA-TATE , NET audzējs , 68Ga , 177Lu , teranostika