Augšņu īpašības ozolu Quercus robur mežaudzēs Zemgalē
Grandovska, Santa
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Latvijas Universitāte
Latvija atrodas tuvu parastā ozola (Quercus robur) izplatības areāla ziemeļu robežai, kas ļauj pētīt tā izplatības areāla izmaiņu iespējamos cēloņus. Īpaši aktuāls šis jautājums ir klimata mainības kontekstā. Lai tas būtu iespējams, nepieciešams noskaidrot apstākļus, kādos ozola Quercus robur mežaudzes veidojas, kā arī faktorus, kas ierobežo to izplatību. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir noskaidrot augsnes un to īpašības ozolu Quercus robur mežaudzēs Zemgalē. Augsne ir būtiska daļa no ekoloģisko faktoru kopuma, kuru radītie apstākļi ietekmē mežaudzes augtspēju, līdz ar to arī izplatību un īpašības. Bakalaura darbā apkopota informācija par ozolu Quercus robur izplatību Eiropā un Latvijā, veikts abiotisko un izplatību ietekmējošo faktoru raksturojums. Pētījuma rezultātā tika secināts, ka parastais ozols Quercus robur ir ekoloģiski plastiska suga, kas spēj augt uz augsnēm ar dažādu granulometrisko sastāvu, mitruma apstākļiem un auglību. Augsne nav galvenais ierobežojošais faktors ozola Quercus robur izplatībā Zemgalē.
Latvia is situated near the northernmost distribution range of pedunculate oak Quercus robur. This aspect allows to investigate factors that influence changes in the distribution area, which has been broadening in the last decades. Especially important this area change is in the climate change context, which might be the main driving factor for oak Quercus robur northernmost border’s travelling northwards. The objective of the bachelor paper is to characterize the soils of pedunculate oak Quercus robur woodlands in Zemgale. The paper consists of information about the distribution of oak Quercus robur in Europe and Latvia, description of abiotic factors in its soils and the description of the factors limiting its distribution. The results of research showed that pedunculate oak Quercus robur is ecologically very plastic, and is able to grow on soils of various granulometric composition, soil moisture and fertility. Ssoil is not the main limiting factor of pedunculate oak Quercus robur distribution in Zemgale.
Latvia is situated near the northernmost distribution range of pedunculate oak Quercus robur. This aspect allows to investigate factors that influence changes in the distribution area, which has been broadening in the last decades. Especially important this area change is in the climate change context, which might be the main driving factor for oak Quercus robur northernmost border’s travelling northwards. The objective of the bachelor paper is to characterize the soils of pedunculate oak Quercus robur woodlands in Zemgale. The paper consists of information about the distribution of oak Quercus robur in Europe and Latvia, description of abiotic factors in its soils and the description of the factors limiting its distribution. The results of research showed that pedunculate oak Quercus robur is ecologically very plastic, and is able to grow on soils of various granulometric composition, soil moisture and fertility. Ssoil is not the main limiting factor of pedunculate oak Quercus robur distribution in Zemgale.
Vides zinātne , abiotiskie faktori , augsne , klimata pārmaiņas , parastais ozols