Latvijas armijas 10.Aizputes kājnieku pulka darbība Neatkarības karā 1919.-1920.g.
Cīrulis, Rūdolfs
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Latvijas Universitāte
Darbs veltīts līdz šim historiogrāfijā neskartai tēmai – 10.Aizputes kājnieku pulka darbībai Neatkarības karā no 1919.gada 5.augusta līdz 1920.gada 11.augustam. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt un izanalizēt minētā pulka darbību un ietekmi šajā karā. Pētījumā aplūkota pulka izveide un darbība Bermontiādes, Palangas apsargāšanas un Latgales atbrīvošanas laikā. Sākumā aprakstīta vispārējā militāri politiskā situācija Latvijā un pulka dislokācijas vietās, lai saprastu, kādos apstākļos risinās tā izveide un kāda ir izveides nozīme. Tad aprakstītas tā aktivitātes Liepājā, Palangas teritorijā un Austrumu frontē ar mērķi parādīt tā ieguldījumu iepriekš minētajos procesos. Pulka darbība tika īstenota efektīvi, neraugoties uz sarežģījumiem vairākās jomās, piemēram, sakaru sistēmā.
The subject of the research is the activities of the 10.Aizputes infantry regiment in the Latvian War of Independence from August 5, 1919 to August 11, 1920. The goal of this work is to research and analize the activities of it to find out its influence on war. Research contains study of the activities of it in the Bermontd affair, Palanga region and Eastern front. First there is introduction to the overall military-political situation in Latvia and locations where the regiment is to be stationed to understand the situation it was founded in and what was its purpose and then a research containing the study of its activities in Liepāja, Palanga region and Eastern front. Activities were succsesfull despite having problems in a number of fields like communication.
The subject of the research is the activities of the 10.Aizputes infantry regiment in the Latvian War of Independence from August 5, 1919 to August 11, 1920. The goal of this work is to research and analize the activities of it to find out its influence on war. Research contains study of the activities of it in the Bermontd affair, Palanga region and Eastern front. First there is introduction to the overall military-political situation in Latvia and locations where the regiment is to be stationed to understand the situation it was founded in and what was its purpose and then a research containing the study of its activities in Liepāja, Palanga region and Eastern front. Activities were succsesfull despite having problems in a number of fields like communication.
Vēsture , 10.Aizputes , kājnieku , pulks , Neatkarības , karš