16.marta jautājuma izmantošana Krievijas ārpolitikā pret Latviju 1998.-2012.gadā
Isajeva, Jeļena
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba tēma ir „16.marta jautājuma izmantošana Krievijas ārpolitikā pret Latviju 1998.-2012.gadā”.
Darbā tika formulēta hipotēze: Krievija izmanto 16.marta jautājumu, lai palielinātu savas „maigās” varas ietekmi Latvijā.
Darbs sastāv no 6 nodaļām. Sestā nodaļa sastāv no trim apakšnodaļām. Teorētiskajā daļā tika apskatīta ārpolitikas, iekšpolitikas un „maigās” varas konceptu mijiedarbība. Empīriskajā daļā tika pētīta Krievijas ārpolitiskā rīcība pret Latviju 16.marta kontekstā no 1998.līdz 2012.gadam, pievēršot uzmanību Krievijas oficiālo amatpersonu paziņojumiem, kuri ir pieejami Latvijas informācijas telpā.
Darba hipotēze netika apstiprināta. Neskatoties uz to, ka Krievijas ārpolitiskajā darbībā varēja saskatīt „maigās” varas instrumentu izmantošanu, tās metodes neatbilsta „maigās” varas koncepta idejai.
The theme of the bachelor thesis is 16th March issue in Russian foreign policy towards Latvia in 1998 – 2012. The work hypothesis is: Russia is using 16th March issue to increase its soft power capabilities in Latvia. The thesis consists of 6 chapters. The 6th chapter consists of 3 subchapters. In the theoretical part the interconnection of foreign and domestic policy and soft power was examined. In the empirical part Russian foreign policy was evaluated in the context of 16th March events from 1998 to 2012. Significant attention was paid to the rhetoric of Russian officials in mass media available in Latvia. The work hypothesis was not approved. Although the instruments of foreign policy could have been noticed in Russian official rhetoric, the means, how the instruments were applied, were contradicting the idea of soft power.
The theme of the bachelor thesis is 16th March issue in Russian foreign policy towards Latvia in 1998 – 2012. The work hypothesis is: Russia is using 16th March issue to increase its soft power capabilities in Latvia. The thesis consists of 6 chapters. The 6th chapter consists of 3 subchapters. In the theoretical part the interconnection of foreign and domestic policy and soft power was examined. In the empirical part Russian foreign policy was evaluated in the context of 16th March events from 1998 to 2012. Significant attention was paid to the rhetoric of Russian officials in mass media available in Latvia. The work hypothesis was not approved. Although the instruments of foreign policy could have been noticed in Russian official rhetoric, the means, how the instruments were applied, were contradicting the idea of soft power.
Politikas zinātne (politoloģija)