Juridiskās personas kriminālatbildība
Hairova, Valentina
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaurā darbā ir pētīts juridiskas personas jēdziens un būtība, kam saskaņā ar Krimināllikuma 70.1 pantu var piemērot piespiedu ietekmēšanas līdzekļus. Tiek analizēta personālsabiedrības saikne ar fizisko personu, kas ir tās dibinātājs vai biedrs, rezultāta nosakot “non bis in idem” principa iespējamo pārkāpumu, piemērojot piespiedu ietekmēšanas līdzekļi un kriminālsodu, gadījumā ja noziedzīga nodarījuma izdarītājs un pilnsabiedrības dibinātājs vai biedrs ir viena un tā pati fiziska persona. Darbā tiek apskatīta arī valsts un pašvaldības kapitālsabiedrībai piemērojama piespiedu ietekmēšanas līdzekļa attiecināmība uz valsts (pašvaldību), ar to nosakot vai piespiedu ietekmēšanas līdzeklis skat pašu valsts jeb pašvaldību, kā juridisku personu, kas ļauj noteikt situāciju, ka valsts piemērojot līdzekļi ietekmē pati sevi. Darbā tiek analizēta juridiskās personas subjektīvas puses pazīmes, t.i. vainas noteikšanas problēma saistībā ar juridiskās personas būtību. Tiek apskatītas juridiskai personai piemērojamie piespiedu ietekmēšanas līdzekļi, to veidi kā arī piemērošanas nosacījumi. Tiek analizēta piespiedu ietekmēšanas līdzekļa piemērošanas problemātika saistībā ar nevainīguma prezumpcijas tiesību garantēšanu kriminālprocesā iesaistītam personām, kur darba autore piedāvā savu problēmas risinājumu.
This thesis is devoted to the concept of a legal person of which, in accordance with Article 70.1 of the Criminal Law may apply coercive means. The work analyses a partnership relationship with the natural person, who is its founder or member, of results underline the "non bis in idem" principle of the alleged infringement applying compulsory measures and criminal penalties in case the offender and the liquidation of the company founder or member is the same physical a person. The work also gives an insight on the state and municipal corporation applies coercive means of eligibility to the state (municipal), of determining or coercive means see their own state or local government, as a legal person, who allows for the situation in the country by applying an effect itself. A legal person subjective signs, i.e. fault detection problem with the concept of a legal person is analyzed in the work. The legal person applying compulsory measures, their types and application conditions are considered in the research. It analyzes the coercive means of application problems in connection with the presumption of innocence in criminal proceedings guaranteeing the rights of persons involved, where the author offers a solution to the problem. Keywords: Legal person, guilt, coersive measures
This thesis is devoted to the concept of a legal person of which, in accordance with Article 70.1 of the Criminal Law may apply coercive means. The work analyses a partnership relationship with the natural person, who is its founder or member, of results underline the "non bis in idem" principle of the alleged infringement applying compulsory measures and criminal penalties in case the offender and the liquidation of the company founder or member is the same physical a person. The work also gives an insight on the state and municipal corporation applies coercive means of eligibility to the state (municipal), of determining or coercive means see their own state or local government, as a legal person, who allows for the situation in the country by applying an effect itself. A legal person subjective signs, i.e. fault detection problem with the concept of a legal person is analyzed in the work. The legal person applying compulsory measures, their types and application conditions are considered in the research. It analyzes the coercive means of application problems in connection with the presumption of innocence in criminal proceedings guaranteeing the rights of persons involved, where the author offers a solution to the problem. Keywords: Legal person, guilt, coersive measures
Juridiskā zinātne , juridiska persona , vaina , piespiedu ietekmēšanas līdzekļi , . , .