Reliģiskā tematika Jaņa Rozentāla glezniecībā: kristīgās un mitoloģiskās pasaules mijiedarbība simbolisma kontekstā
Aizikoviča, Diāna
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Latvijas Universitāte
Šis zinātniski pētnieciskais darbs veltīts izcilajam latviešu māksliniekam Janim Rozentālam, viņa daiļradei un pasaules uzskatam. J. Rozentāls bija talantīgs gleznotājs, grafiķis, mākslas kritiķis un teorētiķis. J. Rozentāla dzīves un mākslas pētījumiem ir veltīti daudzi zinātniski pētniecības darbi gan mākslas vēstures, kritikas, gan reliģijas zinātnes un filosofijas jomā. Šī bakalaura darba mērķis ir ielūkoties J. Rozentāla reliģiski tematiskajā glezniecībā un analizēt mākslinieka veikumu kristīgās un mitoloģiskās pasaules mijiedarbības kontekstā. Darba aktualitāte nosaka sniegt padziļinātu ieskatu J. Rozentāla glezniecībā, lai izpētītu mākslinieka sinkrētisko pasaules uzskatu, kas sakņojas kristīgās ticības un mitoloģijas simbiozē un izskaidrotu simbolisma un jūgendstila aktualitāti viņa daiļradē. J. Rozentāla darbības laiks ir 20. gs. 1. puse, tas ir laiks, kad visā Eiropā uzplaukst Jūgendstils, visās mākslas jomās valda simbolisma un alegorisma motīvi. Rozentāls ir sava laika ideju un centienu iemiesotājs. Kopumā J. Rozentāls Latvijas profesionālo mākslu padarījis līdzvērtīgu citiem redzamiem Eiropas mākslas centriem. Šīs vērtības nav zaudējuši nozīmi arī 21. gadsimta sākumā. Arī šodien simbolisma laikmeta pētniecībā par īpaši svarīgu informācijas avotu kalpo 19. gadsimta beigu un 20. gadsimta sākuma mantojums. Bakalaura darba izstrādei tika izmantoti tēlotājas mākslas - glezniecības (stājglezniecības un monumentālās glezniecības) un grafikas darbi ar mitoloģisku un reliģisku raksturu. J. Rozentāla mākslas darbu analīzei tiek izmantotas reprodukcijas no mākslas vēstures pētījumiem, no oriģināli Latvijas muzeju krājumiem.
The topic of my bachelor thesis- Religious Themes in the Paintings of Janis Rozentals: the Interaction of the Christian and Mythological Worlds in the Context of Symbolism. This scientific research work is dedicated to the great Latvian artist Janis Rozentals, his work, and his worldview. J. Rozentals was a talented painter, graphic artist, art critic, and theoretician. Many scientific research works have been devoted to studying the life and art of J. Rozentals in the fields of art history, criticism, religious studies, and philosophy. This bachelor thesis aims to look into J. Rozentals' religious thematic paintings and to analyse the artist's work in the context of the interaction between the Christian and mythological worlds. The urgency of the work is to provide an in-depth insight into the paintings of J. Rozentals to explore the artist's syncretic worldview rooted in the symbiosis of Christian faith and mythology and to explain the relevance of Symbolism and Art Nouveau in his oeuvre. Rozentals is the embodiment of the ideas and aspirations of his time. Overall, J. Rozentals made Latvian professional art on a par with other prominent European art centers. These values have not lost their relevance at the beginning of the 21st century. The first half of the 20th century was when Art Nouveau flourished throughout Europe and when symbolist and allegorical motifs were prevalent in all artistic fields. Even today, the heritage of the late 19th and early 20th centuries serves as a significant source of information in the study of the Symbolist era. To develop the bachelor's thesis, works of fine art - painting (easel painting and monumental painting) and graphic art with mythological and religious characters were used. Reproductions from art history studies from the original collections of Latvian museums are used for the analysis of J.Rozentāls' works of art.
The topic of my bachelor thesis- Religious Themes in the Paintings of Janis Rozentals: the Interaction of the Christian and Mythological Worlds in the Context of Symbolism. This scientific research work is dedicated to the great Latvian artist Janis Rozentals, his work, and his worldview. J. Rozentals was a talented painter, graphic artist, art critic, and theoretician. Many scientific research works have been devoted to studying the life and art of J. Rozentals in the fields of art history, criticism, religious studies, and philosophy. This bachelor thesis aims to look into J. Rozentals' religious thematic paintings and to analyse the artist's work in the context of the interaction between the Christian and mythological worlds. The urgency of the work is to provide an in-depth insight into the paintings of J. Rozentals to explore the artist's syncretic worldview rooted in the symbiosis of Christian faith and mythology and to explain the relevance of Symbolism and Art Nouveau in his oeuvre. Rozentals is the embodiment of the ideas and aspirations of his time. Overall, J. Rozentals made Latvian professional art on a par with other prominent European art centers. These values have not lost their relevance at the beginning of the 21st century. The first half of the 20th century was when Art Nouveau flourished throughout Europe and when symbolist and allegorical motifs were prevalent in all artistic fields. Even today, the heritage of the late 19th and early 20th centuries serves as a significant source of information in the study of the Symbolist era. To develop the bachelor's thesis, works of fine art - painting (easel painting and monumental painting) and graphic art with mythological and religious characters were used. Reproductions from art history studies from the original collections of Latvian museums are used for the analysis of J.Rozentāls' works of art.
Teoloģija un reliģiju zinātne , Janis Rozentāls , Kristietība , Sakrālā māksla , Mitoloģija , Simbolisms