1 – 3 gadus vecu bērnu adaptācijas iespējas pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē
Gailīte, Guna
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Latvijas Universitāte
Adaptācija (latīņu val. adaptio – pielāgošanās) – pielāgošanās dabas un sociālās vides mainīgajiem apstākļiem. Lai atvieglotu bērnu sociālpsiholoģisko adaptāciju, it īpaši sākot apmeklēt pirmsskolu, skolu, vecākiem jāveicina bērnu saskarsme ar vienaudžiem, jāattīsta viņu komunikatīvās spējas, jāradina bērni pie tām prasībām, normām, dzīves ritma, kas pastāv šajos kolektīvos.
Bērnu pielāgošanās iespējas atšķiras, jo ne visi vienlīdz labi spēj pieņemt jaunos apstākļus, vidi, kur bērniem nesaprotamā kārtā, nonākuši.
Apstākļu un vides maiņa notiek, uzsākot gaitas pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē, –
•dienas režīma maiņa,
•iekļaušanās kolektīvā,
•atšķirīgas prasības,
•sveši cilvēki,
•lietu vides maiņa.
Galvenais ir atrast pietiekami daudz laika, pacietības, uzmanības, mīlestības un saprāta, lai palīdzētu labi adaptēties bērnam pirmsskolā, tas būs ieguvums visai ģimenei, bērns vēlāk vieglāk iekļausies arī skolas vidē.
Pirmsskolā svarīgi ne tikai sniegt bērnam zināšanas, bet ir būtiski attīstīt bērna prātu, motivāciju, lai viņš būtu gatavs uzņemt jaunas zināšanas, spriest, fantazēt, izdarīt patstāvīgus secinājumus. Tas ir pamats bērna sagatavotībai skolai.
Atslēgvārdi -
•Adaptācijas iespējas,
•Pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde,
•Bērnu iepriekšsagatavošana pirmsskolai,
Adaptation ( Latin. adaptio – accommodation) – to trim the sails to the nature and to change of social scene. To relieve childish social adaptation, especially when they start attend a pre-school or lower secondary school parents need to activate their child communication with equals in age, need to habituate children to requirements. Children accommodation is differ, because everyone could not equally accept new status, environment where they come. Parents need to relay the status and environment when their children start to attend a pre – school for example: •daily regimen; •collective inclusion; •different requirements; •strange people; •change educational exhibit. The most important thing to make a better adaptation for children in pre-school is to find a time and patience, to attract attention, all your love and thoughts. It will be a benefit for all family and it will be easier for children to take a part in secondary school, later. To provide knowledge, to form the mind, motivation to get a new working knowledge to consider constantly, indulge in fancies and receive conclusions without assistance. Keywords – •Adaptation, •Adaptation capabilities, •Pre – school, •Children prearrangement for pre – school, • A game.
Adaptation ( Latin. adaptio – accommodation) – to trim the sails to the nature and to change of social scene. To relieve childish social adaptation, especially when they start attend a pre-school or lower secondary school parents need to activate their child communication with equals in age, need to habituate children to requirements. Children accommodation is differ, because everyone could not equally accept new status, environment where they come. Parents need to relay the status and environment when their children start to attend a pre – school for example: •daily regimen; •collective inclusion; •different requirements; •strange people; •change educational exhibit. The most important thing to make a better adaptation for children in pre-school is to find a time and patience, to attract attention, all your love and thoughts. It will be a benefit for all family and it will be easier for children to take a part in secondary school, later. To provide knowledge, to form the mind, motivation to get a new working knowledge to consider constantly, indulge in fancies and receive conclusions without assistance. Keywords – •Adaptation, •Adaptation capabilities, •Pre – school, •Children prearrangement for pre – school, • A game.