Veterināro preparātu atlieku noteikšana ar masspektrometrijas metodēm

Bartkevičs, Vadims
Latvijas Universitāte. Ķīmijas fakultāte
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Analysis of veterinary drugs residues using masspectrometric methods. Bartkevičs V.. supervisors Dr.chem,J.Ģībietis. Dissertation. 65 pages, bibliography 55 citations. In Latvian. VETERINARY DRUGS. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY. HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY, MASS SPECTROMETRY. LEVAMIZOLE, STEROID SUBSTANCES, ANTIBIOTICS, NSAID GROUP COMPOUNDS. This dissertation is dealing with determination of veterinary drug residues using masspectrometric methods. Survey of publications dealing with analysis of levamisole, nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid compounds and sulphonamides was performed. Masspectrometric methods for determination of residues of 33 different compounds are elaborated. Mass spectra of veterinary drugs in different ionisation modes (EI, PCI. NCI, electrospray) are given and possible fragmentation patterns are described. Optimisation of analytical methods for detection of veterinary drug residues is performed. Account was made on achieving highest sensitivity level of analysis and possibilities to apply elaborated methods for determination of wide range of compounds. Main characteristics of GC-MS and LC-MSMS methods (linearity, reproducibility and recovery) have been checked. Elaborated methods have been applied for residue testing of Latvian animal origin products. Results show low level of occurrence of veterinary drug residues.
Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES::Chemistry::Analytical chemistry , Analītiskā ķīmija , Masspektrometrija , Veterinārās zāles - atlieku analīze , Gāzu hromatogrāfija , Šķidruma hromatogrāfija , Hormonālo savienojumu noteikšanas , Veterinary drugs analysis , Masspectrometry