E-learning for lifelong learning in Latvia
Birziņa, Rita
Gudakovska, Iveta
Maslo, Irina
Šitikovs, Vjačeslavs
Mazurs, Vladislavs
Bičevskis, Jānis
Muraškovska, Ingrīda
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Korea National Open University Press
This White Paper on e-Learning for Lifelong Learning in Latvia is one among a number of white papers dealing with e-Learning and lifelong learning in specific countries
in Asia and Europe. The production of these white papers is an Asian-European
initiative, with offspring in the e-ASEM network ― the research network on the
Development of ICT skills, e-Learning and the culture of e-Learning in Lifelong
Learning ― under the ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning.
The aim of the White Paper article is to explore the concept of e-learning and lifelong learning in the context of Latvia taking into account the relevant government policy, regulations and financing issues.
Lifelong learning , E-learning