Latvijas valsts un sabiedrības izaicinājumi un to risinājumi starptautiskā kontekstā (INTERFRAME-LV)
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"Latvijas mantojums un nākotnes izaicinājumi valsts ilgtspējai" projekts
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- ItemLatvijas spēks ilgi pastāvēt(LZA, LLU, 2022)Zinātniskā monogrāfija latviešu un angļu valodā «Latvijas spēks ilgi pastāvēt» / «The strength of Latvia for the long-term development» ir balstīta uz sociālajām zinātnēm veltītās valsts pētījumu programmas (VPP) «Latvijas mantojums un nākotnes izaicinājumi valsts ilgtspējai» (2018–2022) projekta «Latvijas valsts un sabiedrības izaicinājumi un to risinājumi starptautiskā kontekstā» («Interframe-LV») pētījumu rezultātiem. Kolektīvo zinātnisko monogrāfiju sagatavojusi starpinstitucionāla un starpdisciplināra pētnieku komanda – Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas (LZA) kā šī projekta vadošās institūcijas partneri ir: Latvijas Universitāte (LU), Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte (LLU) un Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte (RSU), katrai piesaistot pētniekus vēl arī no citām zinātniskajām iestādēm, lielākoties reģionālajām augstskolām.
- ItemThe Strength of Latvia for the Long-term Development(Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2022)The scientific monograph in Latvian and English entitled Latvijas spēks ilgi pastāvēt/The strength of Latvia for the long-term development is based on the research results achieved within the project Challenges for the Latvian State and Society and the Solutions in International Context (Interframe-LV) under the national research programme (NRP) Latvian Heritage and Future Challenges for the Sustainability of the State (2018-2022) focused on social sciences. The collective scientific monograph has been produced by an inter-institutional and interdisciplinary team of researchers. The leading institution of the project was the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS), while its partners were the University of Latvia (LU), Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LLU) and Riga Stradins University (RSU) which involved researchers from other research institutions, mostly regional universities.
- ItemCHALLENGES ON ACCESSING FINANCE FOR MICRO-ENTERPRISES IN LATVIA(LLU, 2021-05) Beizitere, Ilona; Sloka, Biruta; Brence, Ieva; Jermolajeva, ElitaFinancial support of companies for their development is considered and realised by many countries worldwide, also in Latvia. Latvia has been receiving critical remarks from entrepreneurs in regard to high level of refuse for financing from the financing institution ALTUM which is the principal intermediary of EU funds and provides resources to support entrepreneurship in Latvia. Statistical data indicate that there are significant reductions of micro-enterprises during recent years. The survey data showed that ALTUM rejected 39 % of the surveyed micro-enterprises from those who had submitted applications within three years. In turn, only 6 % of micro-enterprises have received full financing from banks or leasing companies. Funders rejected applications from 9 % of micro-enterprises while another 5 % themselves withdrew funding due to unacceptable conditions. Latvia has to address serious challenges in entrepreneurship development in regions in particular with a lower economic activity. The aim of the paper is to analyse situation of microenterprises for receiving funding. Research methods: analysis of scientific publications and results of previous conducted research, analysis of data obtained in survey of enterprises on questions of financing refuse and on evaluations related to financing conditions in recent years. For a more thorough data analysis (used evaluation scale 1-5) indicators of descriptive statistics are applied: indicators of central tendency or location – arithmetic means, mode, median; indicators of variability or dispersion – range, standard deviation, standard error of mean; cross – tabulations; testing of statistical hypotheses using t-test and analysis of variance – ANOVA; correlation analysis. Research results indicate that the use of more precise requirements of financing for micro-enterprises by finance institution ALTUM could benefit in better development of entrepreneurship in regions of Latvia.
- ItemOPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES OF SOCIAL MEDIA USE IN MUNICIPALITIES IN LATVIA(University of Latvia, 2022) Lase, Kate; Sloka, BirutaThe use of different kind of social media by local governments has gained relevance in recent years, however, along with many opportunities and successes, the use of social media by local governments has many challenges, barriers and issues which are not enough researched and discussed in academic research. Purpose of the study is to analyse benefits and challenges of social media use in municipalities in Latvia. Research methods used in preparation of the paper: recent scientific publication studies, analysis of social media of municipalities of Latvia, survey on social media use in municipalities in Latvia realized on April 2021. For data analysis there were used indicators of descriptive statistics: indicators of central tendency or location (arithmetic mean, mode, median, quartiles), indicators of variability (variance, standard deviation, standard error of mean), cross – tabulations, statistical tests of hypotheses and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results show that most municipalities generally have positive views of their social media use but the real application of social media is not consistent in each municipality. Although majority of municipalities use at least two social media, the study found important challenges in terms of reginal development, digital skills, appropriate employees and social media content.
- ItemCHOICE ARCHITECTURE AS A BASIS FOR PENSION SAVINGS DECISIONS(University of Latvia, 2022) Dundure, EvijaThe study analyses the findings of behavioural studies in enhancing the amount of private pension savings. The aim of the study is to summarize the findings of the scientific literature in a unified system, which allows to analyse the behavioural theories methods used by countries in facilitating people's decisions in funded private pension savings. The authors look at the process of pension accumulation from the perspective of their three stages of formation and identify the need for investor involvement in each of them. The developed unified system is tested by performing a comparative analysis of the 2nd and 3rd pension pillars in Latvia. It clearly shows the commonalities and differences between the two pillars, as well as the areas in which the methods of behavioural theories can be used.