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- ItemTowards Adult Information Literacy Assessment in Latvia: UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Competency Matrix in Practice(Springer International Publishing, 2014) Holma, Baiba; Krumina, Līga; Pakalna, Daina; Avanesova, JelenaThe study presents conclusions regarding the possibility of adapting the UNESCO MIL Competency Matrix and developing methodology for information literacy assessment of the adult population. During field research in a sample territory (Kekava district) and within an adult population target group, the levels of information literacy are assessed, and information literacy education needs are clarified. The research results can be used for the development of diagnostic instruments for regional growth, planning of adult education, elaboration of information literacy training programmes, as well as for self-evaluation of information literacy competencies. The study has been carried out within the framework of the European Social Fund project “Development of Innovative Diagnostic Instruments for Regional Growth”.
- ItemEthnicity and social cohesion in the post-Soviet Baltic states(Taylor&Francis, 2013) Muiznieks, Nils; Rozenvalds, Juris; Birka, Ieva
- ItemBreak Out of Russia: Miķelis Valters and the National Issue in Early Latvian Socialism(Taylor&Francis, 2012) Ijabs, Ivars
- ItemAnother Baltic Postcolonialism: Young Latvians, Baltic Germans, and the emergence of Latvian National Movement(Taylor&Francis, 2014) Ijabs, Ivars
- ItemForeign Policy “On the Cheap”: Latvia’s Foreign Policy Experience from the Economic Crisis(Taylor&Francis, 2014) Kļaviņš, Didzis; Rostoks, Toms; Ozoliņa, Žaneta