Darbības vārda biežums un gramatiskās formas-spriedzi veicinoši rīki Stīvena Kinga darbā "Kallas vilki"
Āboliņa, Iluta
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Latvijas Universitāte
Pētījums aplūko darbības vārda biežuma un gramatisko formu mijiedarbību ar spriedzes kā stilistikas elementu Stīvena Kinga darbā “Kallas vilki”. Spriedze ir emociju kopums, ko raksturo pastiprinātas šaubu, neziņas, neskrības izraisītas gaidas uzzināt ar pagātnes vai nākotnes notikumiem, kam piešķirta ievērojama nozīme sižeta attīstības gaitā, saistītas detaļas. Pētījuma mērķis ir noteikt un analizēt darbības vārda biežumu un gramatiskās formas, kas izraisa vai veicina spriedzi daiļliteratūrā. Praktiskajā daļā pielietota kvantitatīvā pētīšanas metode, kas sevī ietver korpusa analīzi, izmantojot mašinizētu meklēšanas rīku, kā arī pielietojot ātrlasīšanu un krāsu kodēšanu gadījumos, kad darbības vārda gramatisko formu neraksturo konkrēts meklēšanas kritērijs. Rezultāti atspoguļo augstu darbības vārda un attiecīgu formu biežumu minētajā romānā. Darbības vārda formas vairumā gadījumu sakrīt ar paaugstinātu spriedzes līmeni, taču mēdz būt gramatiskās formas, kas izraisa spriedzi, tām esot retai parādībai tekstā.
The research regards suspense correlation with verb frequency, its grammar forms and their frequency in Stephen King’s novel Wolves of the Calla. Suspense is a set of emotions that constitutes heightened expectation, caused by lacking knowledge, competence, or certainty on either past or future events of importance. The purpose of the research is to determine and analyse verb frequency and grammatical forms that either establish or increase the suspense in literary works of fiction. For the empirical part, the quantitative research method was used, involving both software-assisted analysis of the novel’s corpus and manual scanning that included colour-coding verbs of interest. Results show that there is high frequency of verbs and suspense verb forms in the novel. Generally, frequency of one or the other form correlates with the effects of suspense; however, occasionally it does not for stylistic reasons.
The research regards suspense correlation with verb frequency, its grammar forms and their frequency in Stephen King’s novel Wolves of the Calla. Suspense is a set of emotions that constitutes heightened expectation, caused by lacking knowledge, competence, or certainty on either past or future events of importance. The purpose of the research is to determine and analyse verb frequency and grammatical forms that either establish or increase the suspense in literary works of fiction. For the empirical part, the quantitative research method was used, involving both software-assisted analysis of the novel’s corpus and manual scanning that included colour-coding verbs of interest. Results show that there is high frequency of verbs and suspense verb forms in the novel. Generally, frequency of one or the other form correlates with the effects of suspense; however, occasionally it does not for stylistic reasons.
Valodniecība , suspense , fiction , literature , verb frequency , verb grammar