Vācu leģendas par Žurku ķērāju no Hamelinas čehu versijas
Bodrova, Marina
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Vācu leģendas par Žurku ķērāju no Hamelinas čehu versijas”. Darbā tiek apskatīti dažādi jautājumi, saistīti ar leģendas sižetu, to transformāciju, jauno variantu izveidošanu un populāru leģendu sižetu izmantošanu čehu literatūrā.
Vācu leģendas sižets par Žurku ķērāju ir ļoti populārs dažādas valstīs, kā arī Čehijā. Čehijas autori Viktors Diks un Dāniels Landa izmantoja sižetu savos darbos, transformējot to un izveidojot savus principiāli jaunus variantus. Viktors Diks pamatojas uz tādiem pazīstamiem variantiem kā Gētes balāde, Brauninga poēma, Grima brāļu leģenda, Geines dzejolis un viduslaiku avoti. Dāniels Landa pārsvarā izmantoja Viktora Dika motīvus un sižetus savā darbā, kā arī tēlus no Henrika Heines dzejoļa.
Bakalaura darbs ir izstrādāts krievu valodā uz 57 lappusēm. Darbā izmantoti 33 literatūras avoti.
The theme of current work is “Czech Versions of the German Legends about the Ratcatcher from Hamelin” Author is writing about the plot of the legend and its transformations, the creation of new versions and the usage of the popular legend’s plot in Czech literature. The plot of German legend is very popular in different countries, also in Czech Republic. Czech authors Victor Dyk and Daniel Landa use the plot in their literary works. They made some transformations and created principally new variants of the legend. Victor Dyk`s work is based on such popular variants of legend as Goethe’s ballad, Browning’s poem, Grimm brothers legend, Geine`s poem and the sources of Middle Ages. Daniel Landa uses Victor Dyk`s motifs and plots but also uses characters from Genrich Geine`s poem. Work is 57 pages long. Were used 33 literary sources.
The theme of current work is “Czech Versions of the German Legends about the Ratcatcher from Hamelin” Author is writing about the plot of the legend and its transformations, the creation of new versions and the usage of the popular legend’s plot in Czech literature. The plot of German legend is very popular in different countries, also in Czech Republic. Czech authors Victor Dyk and Daniel Landa use the plot in their literary works. They made some transformations and created principally new variants of the legend. Victor Dyk`s work is based on such popular variants of legend as Goethe’s ballad, Browning’s poem, Grimm brothers legend, Geine`s poem and the sources of Middle Ages. Daniel Landa uses Victor Dyk`s motifs and plots but also uses characters from Genrich Geine`s poem. Work is 57 pages long. Were used 33 literary sources.
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