Tuberkulozas un bakteriālas etioloģijas spondilītu klīniskā norise.
Simsone, Baiba
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Latvijas Universitāte
Autore: Baiba Simsone
Diplomdarba temats: tuberkulozas un bakteriālas etioloăijas spondilītu klīniskā norise.
Darbs veltīts Tuberkuloza (TB) un bakteriāla spondilītu (netuberkuloza, NeTB) izpētei
un salīdzinājumam, kā arī diagnostiskai izmeklēšanai, lai uzstādītu diagnozi.
Darba ietvaros pētītas teorētiskās nostādnes par TB un NeTB spondilītu vēsturiskajā
un mūsdienu literatūrā, kā arī veikts empīriskais pētījums.
Pētījuma mērėis ir salīdzināt klīniski-radioloăisko norisi TB un neTB spondilītu
Pētījuma uzdevumi:
1. Apskatīt teorētisko literatūru par: TB spondilītu un NeTB spondilītu.
2. Veikt pacientu vēsturu retrospektīvo datu analīzi.
3. Salīdzināt TB un neTB spondilītus slimības vēstures pēc šādiem parametriem:
• antropometriskie parametri;
• slimības norise un simptomi;
• riska faktori un blakus slimības;
• laboratoriskie iekaisuma rādītāji;
• spondilītu lokalizācija,
• komplikācija.
4. Veikt pacientu vēsturu retrospektīvo datu analīzi.
5. Apstrādāt un analizēt pētījumā iegūtos datus ar matemātiski statistisko metodi.
6. Novērtēt bakterioloăisko un histoloăisko metožu nozīmi TB un neTB spondilītu
etioloăiskajā diagnostikā.
Pētījuma jautājums: Kādi parametri Ĝauj diferencēt TB un NeTB spondilīta diagnozi?
Pētījumā izmantotās metodes: teorētiskās literatūras apskats, retrospektīva datu analīze,
datu matemātiski statistiskā apstrāde un analīze.
Pētījuma bāze: 114 (38 sievietes un 76 vīrieši, vecumā no 10-90 gadiem) pētījuma
dalībnieku (TB un NeTB spondilītu pacientu) slimības vēstures.
Darba apjoms: 54. lpp.
Darbā iekĜautas: 20 tabulas un 1 attēls. Darbam pievienoti 2 pielikumi.
Atslēgvārdi: tuberkulozs spondilīts, bakteriāls spondilīts (netuberkulozs).
Author: Baiba Simsone Theme of the Diploma Paper: Clinical course of tuberculous (TB) and bacterial spondilitis. The research work deals with tuberculous (TB) and bacterial spondilitis (nontuberculous, non-TB), comparative analysis, diagnostic examination for the diagnosis. Within the framework of the research the theoretical approaches in historical and modern sources on TB- and non-TB spondilitis have been investigated, and a research has been carried out. The goal of the research is to compare the clinical radiological courses in the case of TB- and non-TB spondilitis. Enabling objectives of the research: 1. To review theoretical literature on TB- and non-TB spondilitis; 2. To carry out retrospective analysis of histories of diseases; 3. To compare histories of TB- and non-TB spondilitis according to the following parameters: Anthropometric parameters; Course of the disease and symptoms; Risk factors and side diseases Laboratory data of inflammation Localizations of spondilitis Complications. 4. To process and analyse research data with the application of the method of mathematical statistics; 5. To assess the importance of bacteriological and histological methods in the etiological diagnostics of TB- and non-TB spondilitis. Problem of the research: Which parameters enable the differentiating diagnostics of TB- and non-TB? Research methods: review of theoretical literature, retrospective data analysis, mathematical and statistical processing and analysis. Research basis: 114 histories of disease of TB- and non-TB spondilitis patients –participants in the research (38 women and 76 men, aged between 10 and 90 years). Size of the research paper: 54 pages. Included in the paper: 20 tables and 1 pictures, and two appendices. Key words: tuberculous spondilitis, bacterial (non-tuberculous) spondilitis.
Author: Baiba Simsone Theme of the Diploma Paper: Clinical course of tuberculous (TB) and bacterial spondilitis. The research work deals with tuberculous (TB) and bacterial spondilitis (nontuberculous, non-TB), comparative analysis, diagnostic examination for the diagnosis. Within the framework of the research the theoretical approaches in historical and modern sources on TB- and non-TB spondilitis have been investigated, and a research has been carried out. The goal of the research is to compare the clinical radiological courses in the case of TB- and non-TB spondilitis. Enabling objectives of the research: 1. To review theoretical literature on TB- and non-TB spondilitis; 2. To carry out retrospective analysis of histories of diseases; 3. To compare histories of TB- and non-TB spondilitis according to the following parameters: Anthropometric parameters; Course of the disease and symptoms; Risk factors and side diseases Laboratory data of inflammation Localizations of spondilitis Complications. 4. To process and analyse research data with the application of the method of mathematical statistics; 5. To assess the importance of bacteriological and histological methods in the etiological diagnostics of TB- and non-TB spondilitis. Problem of the research: Which parameters enable the differentiating diagnostics of TB- and non-TB? Research methods: review of theoretical literature, retrospective data analysis, mathematical and statistical processing and analysis. Research basis: 114 histories of disease of TB- and non-TB spondilitis patients –participants in the research (38 women and 76 men, aged between 10 and 90 years). Size of the research paper: 54 pages. Included in the paper: 20 tables and 1 pictures, and two appendices. Key words: tuberculous spondilitis, bacterial (non-tuberculous) spondilitis.