Novērošana un ziņošana vidusskolā
Cēsniece-Suipe, Izolde
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Latvijas Universitāte
Maģistra darbā aplūkots, kā vidusskolēni redz sevi savā kopienā kā daļā no uzraudzības sabiedrības postsociāliisma Latvijā. Kādas attiecības vidusskolēniem ir ar novērošanu un ziņošanu intensīvi uzraudzītā vidē? Kāpēc attieksme pret šīm darbībām bieži šķiet pretrunīga? Šis pētījums sastāv no četrām daļām: teorija, metodoloģija, analīze un secinājumi. Teorētiskajā daļā ir aprakstīta uzraudzības sabiedrība, vadoties no plašiem Deivida Liona pētījumiem šajā jomā, kā arī sociālā kontrole, varas attiecības un rīcībasspēja – galvenie termini, kas jāievēro attiecībās ar pusaudžiem vidusskolā. Metodoloģijas daļa satur nodaļas, kas raksturo pētījuma lauku, pētījuma dalībniekus, datu analīzes metodes un ētikas jautājumus. Datu analīzes daļa sastāv no pilotpētījuma un galvenā pētījuma rezultātiem, kas parāda uzraudzību un ziņošanu, kontroles elementu un tā zaudēšanu, ko piedzīvojuši un izskaidrojuši mana pētījuma dalībnieki. Pilotpētījums atklāj padomju laika sabiedrību kā novērošanas sabiedrību, kas līdzinās tam, kā Deivids Lions aprakstīja frontes pretējo pusi - Rietumu sabiedrību aukstā kara laikā, un ļauj salīdzināt to ar mūsdienu novērošanas sabiedrību, kurā studenti piedzīvo nepārtrauktu uzraudzību. savās publiskajās un privātajās telpās. Dati atklāja, ka varas attiecības un kontroles jautājumi viennozīmīgi ir klātesoši, bet vairāk problēmu ir ar kontroles spēju trūkumu un centieniem izvairīties no varas attiecībām. Daudzi sarunu biedri atklāja, kāpēc viņi nerīkosies, piemēram, neziņos par konfliktiem un pārkāpumiem autoritātēm, nevis to, ko viņi darīs, lai atrisinātu problēmas. Tomēr slēpšanās, ignorēšana un izvairīšanās no sevis atklāšanas arī ir darbības, un arī nedarīšana ir izvēle, un to varētu uzskatīt par pašaizsardzības stratēģiju skolēnu spējai pārvaldīt savu dzīvi uz pilngadības sliekšņa.
My Master’s thesis examines how students see themselves in their high school community as a part of a surveillance society in postsocialist Latvia. What kind of relationship do high school students have with reporting and denunciation in an intensively surveilled environment? Why do attitudes toward these actions often seem controversial? This study consists of four parts: theory, methodology, analysis and conclusions. The theoretical part describes a surveillance society according to broad research by David Lyon in this field, as well as social control, power relations and agency – the main terms to be observed in relations with adolescents as high school students. The methodology part contains chapters that describe the field, research participants, data and research analysis methods and ethical questions. The data analysis part consists of a pilot study and the main research results that demonstrate surveillance and reporting, element of control and loss of it upon them experienced and explained by participants of my research. The pilot study reveals Soviet-time society as a surveillance society similar to how David Lyon described the opposite side of the front, the society of the West during the Cold War and allows us to compare them to the contemporary surveillance society where students experience ongoing observation in their public and private spaces. Data revealed that power relations and control issues are present, unequivocally, but there are more issues with a lack of ability to control and efforts to avoid power relations. Many interlocutors revealed more about why they will not take action than what they will do to solve any problems. However, hiding, ignoring, and avoiding exposure are all also actions, and doing nothing is also a choice and could be seen as a self-defence strategy for students' own ability to manage their lives on the threshold of adulthood and maintain self-agency.
My Master’s thesis examines how students see themselves in their high school community as a part of a surveillance society in postsocialist Latvia. What kind of relationship do high school students have with reporting and denunciation in an intensively surveilled environment? Why do attitudes toward these actions often seem controversial? This study consists of four parts: theory, methodology, analysis and conclusions. The theoretical part describes a surveillance society according to broad research by David Lyon in this field, as well as social control, power relations and agency – the main terms to be observed in relations with adolescents as high school students. The methodology part contains chapters that describe the field, research participants, data and research analysis methods and ethical questions. The data analysis part consists of a pilot study and the main research results that demonstrate surveillance and reporting, element of control and loss of it upon them experienced and explained by participants of my research. The pilot study reveals Soviet-time society as a surveillance society similar to how David Lyon described the opposite side of the front, the society of the West during the Cold War and allows us to compare them to the contemporary surveillance society where students experience ongoing observation in their public and private spaces. Data revealed that power relations and control issues are present, unequivocally, but there are more issues with a lack of ability to control and efforts to avoid power relations. Many interlocutors revealed more about why they will not take action than what they will do to solve any problems. However, hiding, ignoring, and avoiding exposure are all also actions, and doing nothing is also a choice and could be seen as a self-defence strategy for students' own ability to manage their lives on the threshold of adulthood and maintain self-agency.
Antropoloģija , surveillance , denunciation , surveillance society , postsocialism , novērošana