2 - 6 gadus vecu bērnu ēdināšanas paradumi ārpus privātās pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes
Heidemane, Ilze
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba tēma ir “2 līdz 6 gadus vecu bērnu ēdināšanas paradumi ārpus privātās pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes”. Pētījuma aktualitāte saistāma ar to, ka ik gadu pasaulē un Latvijā pieaug iedzīvotāju skaits ar lieko ķermeņa masu, un satraucoša tendence vērojama jau bērnu un pusaudžu vidū. Darba mērķis ir izzināt 2 līdz 6 gadus vecu bērnu ēdināšanas paradumus ārpus privātās pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes. Pētniecības uzdevumi ir analizēt literatūru par 2 līdz 6 gadus vecu bērnu ēdināšanu, to ietekmi uz bērnu veselību un analizēt Hendersones māszinību teoriju. Pētījuma jautājums: “Kādi ir 2 līdz 6 gadus vecu bērnu ēdināšanas paradumi ārpus privātās pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes?” Pētījumā izmantota kvalitatīvā pētniecības metode, instruments – intervija. Pētījumā iegūtie dati liecina, ka 2 līdz 6 gadus vecu bērnu ēdināšanas paradumi ārpus privātās pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes kopumā vērtējami kā veselīgi, produktu daudzveidību un augstu kvalitāti nodrošinoši; par maz uzmanības tiek pievērsts bērnu ūdens dzeršanas paradumiem, kas potenciāli varētu ietekmēt viņu veselību, neraugoties uz normālu svaru.
Bachelor’s work topic is “2 to 6 years old children’s nurture habits outside private preschool institution”. Plenty of statistics and studies indicate an increment in the fraction of overweight people among the worldwide and Latvian population. This trend is also observed among children and youngsters. The aim of this study is to investigate the dietary habits of two to six years old preschoolers who are pupils at a private institution in order to confirm that healthy dietary habits are a key factor in the prevention of overweight among children and youngsters. The initial task of the study was the examination of existing research in this subject in the literature. V. Henderson’s nursing theory analysis laid the ground to the execution of this work. Having found that a large majority of the private institution’s pupils have a normal weight, this research’s main question was “What are the two to six years old children’s dietary habits outside their preschool institution?” A qualitative research approach was followed, applying an interview as main instrument. The research results confirmed the author’s expectations: the two to six-year-old children's food habits outside their private preschool’s institution are in general healthy, diverse and high-quality. However, there were also some indications that too little attention is paid to the children’s water drinking habits, which could potentially impact their health despite having a normal weight.
Bachelor’s work topic is “2 to 6 years old children’s nurture habits outside private preschool institution”. Plenty of statistics and studies indicate an increment in the fraction of overweight people among the worldwide and Latvian population. This trend is also observed among children and youngsters. The aim of this study is to investigate the dietary habits of two to six years old preschoolers who are pupils at a private institution in order to confirm that healthy dietary habits are a key factor in the prevention of overweight among children and youngsters. The initial task of the study was the examination of existing research in this subject in the literature. V. Henderson’s nursing theory analysis laid the ground to the execution of this work. Having found that a large majority of the private institution’s pupils have a normal weight, this research’s main question was “What are the two to six years old children’s dietary habits outside their preschool institution?” A qualitative research approach was followed, applying an interview as main instrument. The research results confirmed the author’s expectations: the two to six-year-old children's food habits outside their private preschool’s institution are in general healthy, diverse and high-quality. However, there were also some indications that too little attention is paid to the children’s water drinking habits, which could potentially impact their health despite having a normal weight.
Medicīna , bērni , ēdināšanas paradumi , ēdināšanas paradumi mājās , bērnu ēdināšana ģimenē