Intranazāla metformīna efekti uz sporādiskās Alcheimera slimības tipa modeļa žurku telpisko atmiņu un neironu izdzīvošanu
Ābola, Agate
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Latvijas Universitāte
Alcheimera slimība ir visbiežāk sastopamā neirodeģeneratīvā saslimšana, kad lēni un pakāpeniski notiek neokortikāla smadzeņu šūnu atrofija, kas izpaužas kā kognīcijas pasliktināšanās. Balstoties uz glikozes metabolisma transporta izmaiņām Alcheimera slimības gadījumā, tiek pētītas vielas, piemēram, metformīns, kas spēj uzlabot insulīna sensitivitāti un mazināt neiroiekaisuma attīstību. Pētījuma rezultāti norāda, ka intranazāli ievadīts metformīns uzlabo intracerebroventrikulāri ievadīta neirotoksīna streptozocīna izraisīto telpiskās atmiņas un apmācīšanās pasliktināšanos žurkām Morisa ūdens labirinta testā, kā arī palielina dzīvotspējīgo neironu skaitu un samazina piknotisko neironu skaitu hipokampa CA-1, CA-3 un DG reģionos, kas noteikts ar histoķīmisko Nissl ķermenīšu iekrāsošanu, liecinot par metformīna potenciālu Alcheimera slimības terapijā.
Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease in which slow and gradual neocortical atrophy of brain cells takes place, resulting in a worsening of cognitive functions. Based on changes in glial metabolism in Alzheimer's disease, substances such as metformin that have the potential to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the development of neuroinflammation are being studied. The results of the current study indicate that intranasally administered metformin ameliorates intracerebroventricularly induced impairment by neurotoxin streptozocin on spatial learning and memory in experimental rats in the Morris water maze test, and increases the number of alive neurons and decreases the number of pyknotic neurons in the hippocampal CA-1, CA-3 and DG, indicating the potential of intranasal metformin in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease in which slow and gradual neocortical atrophy of brain cells takes place, resulting in a worsening of cognitive functions. Based on changes in glial metabolism in Alzheimer's disease, substances such as metformin that have the potential to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the development of neuroinflammation are being studied. The results of the current study indicate that intranasally administered metformin ameliorates intracerebroventricularly induced impairment by neurotoxin streptozocin on spatial learning and memory in experimental rats in the Morris water maze test, and increases the number of alive neurons and decreases the number of pyknotic neurons in the hippocampal CA-1, CA-3 and DG, indicating the potential of intranasal metformin in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
Farmācija , Alcheimera slimība , metformīns , žurkas , Morisa ūdens labirinta tests , streptozocīns