Darba un ģimenes saskaņošana privātā sektora organizācijās
Korpa, Viola
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Latvijas Universitāte
Promocijas darbā analizēta darba un ģimenes saskaņošana Latvijā saistībā ar ģimenei draudzīgu darbavietu veidošanu, izvērtējot privātā sektora organizāciju pieredzi, praktiskās rīcības stratēģijas un iespējas ģimenei draudzīgas darba vides veidošanā. Teorētiskais ietvars balstīts teorijās, kas atklāj darba un ģimenes attiecību kompleksitāti, un teorijās, kas palīdz interpretēt organizāciju kā darbavietu lomu darba un ģimenes saskaņošanā un skaidro ģimenei draudzīgu darbavietu veidošanu. Izmantojot multidimensionālu pētījuma dizainu: (1) sniegts darba un ģimenes saskaņošanas iespēju un pamatproblēmu raksturojums; (2) interpretētas organizāciju prakses un pieredze darba un ģimenes saskaņošanā; (3) risināta diskusija par ģimenei draudzīgu iniciatīvu ieviešanas un izmantošanas kontekstualitāti, saturu un norisi; (4) kā arī sniegta ģimenei draudzīgu darbavietu veidošanu kavējošo un motivējošo faktoru analīze.
Atslēgvārdi: darba un ģimenes saskaņošana, ģimenei draudzīga darbavieta, organizācija kā darbavieta.
ANNOTATION The promotional work presents an analysis of work-family reconciliation in Latvia in relation to forming of family-friendly workplaces while assessing the experience, practices and possibilities of the organizations of private sector in the creation of family-friendly work environment. Theoretical framework is based on the theories that reveal complexity of work-family interface and the theories that help to interpret the role of organizations as workplaces in the work-family reconciliation. The author applies multi-dimensional research design in order to: (1) present the description of possibilities and difficulties to reconcile work and family life; (2) interpret the practices and experience of the organizations; (3) discuss the context, content and process of implementation of family-friendly initiatives; (4) give an analysis of obstructive and facilitative factors of formation of family-friendly workplaces. Key-words: work-family reconciliation, family-friendly workplace, organization as a workplace.
ANNOTATION The promotional work presents an analysis of work-family reconciliation in Latvia in relation to forming of family-friendly workplaces while assessing the experience, practices and possibilities of the organizations of private sector in the creation of family-friendly work environment. Theoretical framework is based on the theories that reveal complexity of work-family interface and the theories that help to interpret the role of organizations as workplaces in the work-family reconciliation. The author applies multi-dimensional research design in order to: (1) present the description of possibilities and difficulties to reconcile work and family life; (2) interpret the practices and experience of the organizations; (3) discuss the context, content and process of implementation of family-friendly initiatives; (4) give an analysis of obstructive and facilitative factors of formation of family-friendly workplaces. Key-words: work-family reconciliation, family-friendly workplace, organization as a workplace.
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus
Socioloģija , Socioloģija, politoloģija, antropoloģija