Distopijas iezīmes Paula Bankovska romānā "Plāns ledus"
Āboliņa, Agnese
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba avottekstā izvirzīts Paula Bankovska romāns “Plāns ledus”. Pētījuma mērķis ir fiksēt un sistematizēt literārās distopijas iezīmes tajā. Darba teorētiskajā daļā sniegta distopijas jēdziena izskaidrojums. Veikta izpēte par distopijas žanra attīstību literatūrā un raksturotas galvenās žanra iezīmes. Darbā tiek izmantota salīdzinošā un aprakstošā jeb monogrāfiskā pētniecības metode, lai praktiskajā daļā identificētu kopīgās un atšķirīgās īpašības, pamatojoties uz daudzveidīgas teorētiskās literatūras apskatu darba pirmajā daļā. Bakalaura darba tēma ir aktuāla, jo Latvijas kontekstā literārais distopijas žanrs ir maz pētīts.
In the centre of bachelor paper is Paula Bankovska novel “Thin Ice”. The goal of research is to find and systematise features of literary dystopia in it. The theoretical part of the paper explains the concept of dystopia. Research was conducted about development of dystopian genre in literature and the main features of genre were characterized. Paper contains the comparative and descriptive or monographic research method, because practical part is meant to identify what is common and what is different based on varied theoretical literature review in first part of the paper. The topic of bachelor paper is topical, because in context of Latvia, literary genre of dystopia has been studied little.
In the centre of bachelor paper is Paula Bankovska novel “Thin Ice”. The goal of research is to find and systematise features of literary dystopia in it. The theoretical part of the paper explains the concept of dystopia. Research was conducted about development of dystopian genre in literature and the main features of genre were characterized. Paper contains the comparative and descriptive or monographic research method, because practical part is meant to identify what is common and what is different based on varied theoretical literature review in first part of the paper. The topic of bachelor paper is topical, because in context of Latvia, literary genre of dystopia has been studied little.
Filoloģija , Pauls Bankovskis , distopijas žanrs , spekultīvā literatūra , distopijas literatūra