Bibliotēka 2.0 un Google paaudze: aktoru mijiedarbības iespējas mūsdienās
Grēniņa, Aiga
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Latvijas Universitāte
Promocijas darbā mūsdienu kontekstā pētītas pusaudžu un bibliotēku mijiedarbības iespējas. Īpaša uzmanība veltīta pusaudžu informācijas meklēšanas un izmantošanas paradumu izpētei, kā arī viņu redzējuma par bibliotēkām atklāšanai. Lai tieši norādītu uz tehnoloģiju un interneta lomu pusaudžu ikdienā, šīs vecuma grupas apzīmēšanai lietots jēdziens Google paaudze. Savukārt, bibliotēkas analizētas, atsaucoties uz modernu un lietotāju vajadzībās balstītu praksi, kas definējama kā bibliotēka 2.0. Empīrisko datu ieguvei bibliotēku pētniecībai izmantota kontentanalīze, bet lietotāju izpēte realizēta ar aptauju un fokusgrupu diskusiju starpniecību. Tādējādi iegūts sistematizēts un pārskatāms rezultāts, kas atspoguļots pētījuma secinājumos, rekomendācijās, kā arī promocijas darba autores formulētajā Bibliotēku un pusaudžu mijiedarbības sekmēšanas modelī.
Atslēgvārdi: bibliotēka 2.0, Google paaudze, informacionālā uzvedība, pusaudži, tīmeklis 2.0.
The Promotion Paper examines the possibilities for interaction between teenagers and libraries nowadays. A special focus is on studying teenagers’ habits of information search and use, as well as on revealing their perception of libraries. In order to show the direct impact of technologies and the Internet on teenagers' daily lives, this age group has been referred to as the ‘Google generation’. In turn, libraries are analysed on the basis of a modern and user-oriented practice defined as ‘Library 2.0’. The empirical data for library study were obtained through content analysis, whereas users were studied via surveys and focus group discussions. Thus, a systematized and clear result was obtained, which has been reflected in the conclusions and recommendations of the study, as well as in the Model for facilitating interaction between teenagers and libraries (and its generalised version) developed by the Author of this Promotion Paper. Keywords: Adolescents, Google generation, information behavior, library 2.0, web 2.0.
The Promotion Paper examines the possibilities for interaction between teenagers and libraries nowadays. A special focus is on studying teenagers’ habits of information search and use, as well as on revealing their perception of libraries. In order to show the direct impact of technologies and the Internet on teenagers' daily lives, this age group has been referred to as the ‘Google generation’. In turn, libraries are analysed on the basis of a modern and user-oriented practice defined as ‘Library 2.0’. The empirical data for library study were obtained through content analysis, whereas users were studied via surveys and focus group discussions. Thus, a systematized and clear result was obtained, which has been reflected in the conclusions and recommendations of the study, as well as in the Model for facilitating interaction between teenagers and libraries (and its generalised version) developed by the Author of this Promotion Paper. Keywords: Adolescents, Google generation, information behavior, library 2.0, web 2.0.
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