Smieklu pasaule kāzu dziesmās
Semjonova, Jūlija
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Smieklu pasaule kāzu dziesmās”. Bakalaura darbs ir veltīts smieklu pasaules pētījumam krievu kāzu dziesmās. Šis pētījums ir svārīgs folkloriristikas zinātnē, tā kā mēs izpētījām ļoti rēto kāzu dziesmu slāni – tā saucāmos kāzu “pārmetumu” dziesmas. Šo dziesmu smieklu pasaule ir polifoniskā, jo tā satur sevī gan izklaides apvalku, gan maģisko kodolu. Darbā gaitā tiek izmantoti 43. avoti. Bakalaura darbs tika izstrādāts krievu valodā. Darbs sastāv no ievada, teoretiskās daļas, analitiskās daļas, secinājumiem un pielikuma.
Theame of the given baccalaureate work is " The World of Laughter in Wedding Songs ". Baccalaureate work is devoted to research of the humorous world in wedding songs. This research is important for the folklore since,because we have investigated a very rare layer of the wedding songs - so-called wedding "корильные" songs. The humorous world of these songs is varied, as comprises both: an entertaining environment and a magic kernel. During our work have been used 43 sources. Baccalaureate work is developed in Russian. Work consists of introduction, a theoretical part, an analytical part, the conclusion and the appendix.
Theame of the given baccalaureate work is " The World of Laughter in Wedding Songs ". Baccalaureate work is devoted to research of the humorous world in wedding songs. This research is important for the folklore since,because we have investigated a very rare layer of the wedding songs - so-called wedding "корильные" songs. The humorous world of these songs is varied, as comprises both: an entertaining environment and a magic kernel. During our work have been used 43 sources. Baccalaureate work is developed in Russian. Work consists of introduction, a theoretical part, an analytical part, the conclusion and the appendix.
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