"15 Latvijas pilsētu notekūdeņu metagenoma taksonomiskais un funkcionālais raksturojums"
Ustinova, Maija
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Latvijas Universitāte
Neattīrīti notekūdeņi ir ķīmiski un bioloģiski kompleksa vide, taču tā mikrobioloģiskais sastāvs līdz šim ir maz pētīts. Izmantojot šobrīd pieejamās sekvencēšanas un bioinformātikas tehnoloģijas, ir iespējams raksturot notekūdeņu mikroorganismu kopienas sastāvu dažādos līmeņos. Bakalaura darba mērķis bija taksonomiski un funkcionāli raksturot 15 Latvijas pilsētu notekūdeņu metagenomus. DNS tika izdalīta no neattīrītu, 24 h periodā ievāktu koncentrētu notekūdeņu paraugiem, un tai, izmantojot lielapjoma paralēlo sekvencēšanu, tika veikta visa metagenoma analīze. Datu analīzes rezultātā tika noskaidrots, ka pilsētu notekūdeņu metagenomos ir saskatāmas līdzības sugu, ģints, tipa un gēnu līmeņos, taču būtiskas taksonomiskas un funkcionālas metagenoma kompozīcijas atšķirības tika konstatētas starp pilsētām un atšķirīgiem ražošanas notekūdeņu pieplūdumiem.
Untreated wastewater is a chemically and biologically complex environment, but thus far its microbiological composition has been little studied. Currently available sequencing and bioinformatics technologies have enabled characterization of the wastewater microorganism population at different levels. The aim of the study was to taxonomically and functionally characterize the wastewater metagenome of 15 Latvian cities. Untreated 24 hour composite wastewater samples were collected at the wastewater treatment plant. Subsequently, DNA was extracted and whole metagenome sequencing analysis was carried employing massive parallel sequencing technologies. Acquired data showed that there are significant taxonomic and functional differences in the composition of the metagenome between cities and different inflows of industrial water, but some similarities at species, genus, phylum and gene levels were also observed.
Untreated wastewater is a chemically and biologically complex environment, but thus far its microbiological composition has been little studied. Currently available sequencing and bioinformatics technologies have enabled characterization of the wastewater microorganism population at different levels. The aim of the study was to taxonomically and functionally characterize the wastewater metagenome of 15 Latvian cities. Untreated 24 hour composite wastewater samples were collected at the wastewater treatment plant. Subsequently, DNA was extracted and whole metagenome sequencing analysis was carried employing massive parallel sequencing technologies. Acquired data showed that there are significant taxonomic and functional differences in the composition of the metagenome between cities and different inflows of industrial water, but some similarities at species, genus, phylum and gene levels were also observed.
Bioloģija , notekūdeņi , lielapjoma sekvencēšana , metagenoms , taksonomiskā analīze , funkcionālā analīze