1905.gada revolūcijas atbalsis 20.gs. latviešu liroepikā
Freimane, Žanete
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darbā „1905.gada revolūcijas atbalsis 20.gs. latviešu liroepikā” sniegts priekšstats par 1905.gada revolūcijas attēlojumu latviešu poēmās, uzmanību pievēršot tekstiem, kas tapuši ar laika distanci – gan pēc 1905., gan pēc 1917.gada revolūcijas, izņemot Raiņa darbu „Epus 1905”, kurš tapis revolūcijas laikā. Pētījumā galvenā uzmanība ir pievērsta četrām latviešu rakstnieku poēmām – Raiņa „Epus 1905” (1906), V.Plūdoņa „Uz saulaino tāli” (1912), A. Upīša „Piektais cēliens” (1919) un V. Luksa „Slava” (1957), kas tapušas dažādos laika posmos un līdz ar to katra citādi ataino arī revolūciju.. Šīm četrām poēmām tiek raksturoti motīvi, tēli un analizēta poētika un valoda. Poētikas raksturojumā uzmanība koncentrēta uz ritma, atskaņu, vēstījuma un māksliniecisko izteiksmes līdzekļu analīzi. Atslēgas vārdi: 1905.gada revolūcija, poētika, poēma, liroepika
In Bachelor’s paper “Echo’s of 1905th years revolution in 20th centuries Latvian liroepics” is given conception of 1905th year’s revolution’s description in Latvian poems. Most attention is turned on texts which has been written with time range – after 1905th and 1917th year’s revolutions, except Rainis “Epos 1905”, which is written during the revolution. Most attention is paid to four poems – Rainis “Epus 1905” (Epos 1905, 1906), V. Lukss “Slava”(Fame, 1957), A. Upīts “Piektais cēliens” (The Fifth Act, 1919), V. Plūdonis “Uz saulaino tāli” (To the Sunny Distance, 1912), because they show period’s attitude towards revolution and describ it differently. Most attention has been turned on the discussion of the poetical means of the above mentioned poems, and characterization of motive’s, personage, language peculiarities and message. Keywords: 1905th year’s revolution, poetics, poem, liroepics.
In Bachelor’s paper “Echo’s of 1905th years revolution in 20th centuries Latvian liroepics” is given conception of 1905th year’s revolution’s description in Latvian poems. Most attention is turned on texts which has been written with time range – after 1905th and 1917th year’s revolutions, except Rainis “Epos 1905”, which is written during the revolution. Most attention is paid to four poems – Rainis “Epus 1905” (Epos 1905, 1906), V. Lukss “Slava”(Fame, 1957), A. Upīts “Piektais cēliens” (The Fifth Act, 1919), V. Plūdonis “Uz saulaino tāli” (To the Sunny Distance, 1912), because they show period’s attitude towards revolution and describ it differently. Most attention has been turned on the discussion of the poetical means of the above mentioned poems, and characterization of motive’s, personage, language peculiarities and message. Keywords: 1905th year’s revolution, poetics, poem, liroepics.
Filoloģija , 1905.gada revolūcija , poētika , poēma , liroepika