Formation of Professional Ethos of Executive Public Officials in Latvia, Denmark and Finland
Šņitņikovs, Aleksejs
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Latvijas Universitāte
Doktora darba priekšmets ir valsts pārvaldes amatpersonu profesionālā ētosa veidošanās Latvijā, Dānijā un Somijā. Valsts pārvaldes amatpersonu ētoss ir definēts kā šai profesionālai lomai specifiskas normatīvas orientācijas, kas tiek brīvprātīgi pieņemtas kā uzvedības imperatīvi. Valsts amatpersonu profesionālā ētosa veidošanās izpēte ir svarīga, jo tādā veidā var izskaidrot valsts sektora pakļautību korupcijas riskam vai imunitāti pret to. Izpētes mērķis ir bijis identificēt profesionālā ētosa veidošanās sociālos mehānismus uz trīs valstu – Latvijas, Dānijas un Somijas – piemēriem. Darbā tiek pielietota vēsturiskās socioloģijas pieeja un kvalitatīvo pētījumu metode. Pētījuma rezultātu analīze sniedz skaidrojumu, kādi sociāli vēsturiskie faktori un nosacījumi veicina valsts pārvaldes amatpersonu profesionālā ētosa attīstību.
The subject of the thesis is formation of professional ethos of executive public officials in Latvia, Denmark and Finland. Professional ethos of public officials is defined as their occupational roles-specific normative orientations voluntarily accepted as imperatives of conduct. The study of formation of professional ethos of public officials is important because it can explain the immunity or vulnerability of the state sector towards corruption. The purpose of the study has been to identify the social mechanisms of formation of professional ethos of public officials using the selected country-cases. In the thesis the approach of historical sociology and a qualitative research method are used. The analysis of the outcomes of the research provides the explanation of the factors and conditions which facilitate the development of professional ethos of public officials.
The subject of the thesis is formation of professional ethos of executive public officials in Latvia, Denmark and Finland. Professional ethos of public officials is defined as their occupational roles-specific normative orientations voluntarily accepted as imperatives of conduct. The study of formation of professional ethos of public officials is important because it can explain the immunity or vulnerability of the state sector towards corruption. The purpose of the study has been to identify the social mechanisms of formation of professional ethos of public officials using the selected country-cases. In the thesis the approach of historical sociology and a qualitative research method are used. The analysis of the outcomes of the research provides the explanation of the factors and conditions which facilitate the development of professional ethos of public officials.
Socioloģija , Political sociology , professional ethos , civilizing process , public officials , state formation , self-control , profesionālais ētoss , civilizācijas process , valsts amatpersonas , valsts veidošanās , paškontrole