Greivsa slimības ģenētiskais raksturojums Latvijas populācijā. MICA gēna izpēte Greivsa slimības pacientiem.
Pavlova, Juliana
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Latvijas Universitāte
Greivsa slimība vai difūzs toksisks kākslis ir organospecifiska autoimūna saslimšana, kas raksturojas ar vairogdziedzera pastiprinātu funkciju, kad difūzi palielinās dziedzera izmēri.Greivsa slimība ir viena no biežāk novērotām autoimūnām saslimšanām. Slimo ar to galvenokārt jaunas sievietes, saslimšanas pīķis ir 25 – 40 gadu vecumā. Reģionos ar adekvātu joda daudzumu uzturā ( piemēram, ASV, Kanadā, Skandināvijas valstīs ). Greivsa slimība ir biežākais tireotoksikozes iemesls. Savā darbā es pētīšu saistību starp MICA gēnu un Greivsa slimības attīstības risku.
MICA gēns ir MIC gēnu klastera gēns, kas ir identificēts un aprakstīts pavisam nesen. Tas atrodas MHC kompleksa I klasē. Šī gēna mikrosatelīta alēļu saistība ar dažādām autoimūnām slimībām tiek plaši pētīta. Ir aprakstīta sakarība starp noteiktām alēlēm un tādām slimībām kā reimatoīdais artrīts, ulcerozais kolīts, psoriātiskais artrīts. Tāpat šis gēns ir pētīts endokrīno saslimšanu pacientiem. Latvijas un vairāku citu Eiropas populāciju pirmā tipa diabēta pacientiem ir MICA5 un MICA5.1 alēļu saistība ar paaugstinātu diabēta risku. Greivsa slimības saistība ar šo gēnu Latvijas populācijā līdz šim nav pētīta, bet, piemēram, Ķīnas Greivsa slimības pacientiem, kuriem slimība izpaužas bērnu vecumā, ir atklāta slimības sastība ar MICA5 alēli.
Difuse toxic goiter or Graves disease is organospecific autoimune illness, which is caracterized by increase of function of the thyroid gland, accompanied by difuse increase in its size.Graves disease ir one of the most frequent autoimune diseases. Patients are usually young women, peak of the disease is 25 – 40 years old. In regions with adequate maintenance of iodine (for exapmle, USA, Canada, Scandinavian states ), Graves disease is the most frequent reason of the thyreotoxicosis.In my study I shall investigate the association between MICA gene and Graves disease. MICA gene is a member of MIC family, it was identified and described quite recently and it is located in MHC class I region. Association of the microsatellite polymorphism within this gene has been investigated in various autoimune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, psoriatic arthritis. Also this gene has been investigated in endocrine disease. In Latvian and other European populations, there was positive association of MICA5 and MICA5.1 microsatellite alleles in patients with type 1 diabetes.Association of this gene and Graves disease has not been studied before in Latvian population, but, for example, in China, Graves disease patients, with manifestation of disease in childhood, there was association of MICA5 allele and the disease.
Difuse toxic goiter or Graves disease is organospecific autoimune illness, which is caracterized by increase of function of the thyroid gland, accompanied by difuse increase in its size.Graves disease ir one of the most frequent autoimune diseases. Patients are usually young women, peak of the disease is 25 – 40 years old. In regions with adequate maintenance of iodine (for exapmle, USA, Canada, Scandinavian states ), Graves disease is the most frequent reason of the thyreotoxicosis.In my study I shall investigate the association between MICA gene and Graves disease. MICA gene is a member of MIC family, it was identified and described quite recently and it is located in MHC class I region. Association of the microsatellite polymorphism within this gene has been investigated in various autoimune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, psoriatic arthritis. Also this gene has been investigated in endocrine disease. In Latvian and other European populations, there was positive association of MICA5 and MICA5.1 microsatellite alleles in patients with type 1 diabetes.Association of this gene and Graves disease has not been studied before in Latvian population, but, for example, in China, Graves disease patients, with manifestation of disease in childhood, there was association of MICA5 allele and the disease.