Konstrukcijas verbs + prievārds, to semantika latviešu valodā
Auziņa, Ieva
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Latvijas Universitāte
Maģistra darba “Konstrukcijas verbs + prievārds, to semantika latviešu valodā” mērķis ir pētīt bezpriedēkļa un priedēkļa verba saikni ar prievārdiem un adverbiem, kas nozīmes ziņā atbilst priedēklim, pētīt šo konstrukciju lietojumu, savstarpējās attieksmes un semantiku. Līdz šim latviešu valodniecībā verbālas konstrukcijas, kur tiek lietots nozīmes ziņā tuvs priedēklis, prievārds un apstākļa vārds pētītas maz. Darba gaitā tika izmantota aprakstošā, salīdzinošā, distributīvā, transformatīvā un anketēšanas metode. Darbā analizēto piemēru avots ir interneta rakstu valoda – mikroblogošanas vietne “Twitter”, interneta komentāri, “Latviešu valodas tīmekļa korpuss” (Tīmeklis2020) u. c. avoti, kur pieejams runātās valodas atspoguļojums. Pētījumā secināts, ka konstrukcijas, kur ar priedēkļa (reizēm arī bezpriedēkļa verbu) tiek lietots tuvas nozīmes prievārds un adverbs formāli varētu tikt uzskatītas par liekvārdību, taču šādas konstrukcijas valodā lietotas plaši un starp tām novērotas dažādas semantiskas nianses.
The aim of the Master’s Thesis „Construction verb + preposition, their semantics in Latvian” is to study the connection of the unprefixed and prefix verb with the prepositions and adverbs that, in the terms of meaning, correspond to prefix, to study the use of these constructions, mutual attitudes and semantics. Until now, verbal constructions in Latvian linguistics, where a prefix, preposition and adverb close in meaning have been used, have not been much studied. Descriptive, comparative, distributive, transformative and questionnaire methods were used in the course of the work. The source of the examples analysed in work is the language of internet articles – the microblogging website „Twitter”, internet comments, „Latvian language web corpus” (Web 2020), etc. – sources, where the reflection of spoken language is available. The study concludes that constructions where with a prefix verb (also sometimes with unprefixed verb) are used a preposition verb and an adverb that are close in meaning, formally could be considered as a redundancy, but these constructions are widely used in the language and various semantic nuances are observed between them.
The aim of the Master’s Thesis „Construction verb + preposition, their semantics in Latvian” is to study the connection of the unprefixed and prefix verb with the prepositions and adverbs that, in the terms of meaning, correspond to prefix, to study the use of these constructions, mutual attitudes and semantics. Until now, verbal constructions in Latvian linguistics, where a prefix, preposition and adverb close in meaning have been used, have not been much studied. Descriptive, comparative, distributive, transformative and questionnaire methods were used in the course of the work. The source of the examples analysed in work is the language of internet articles – the microblogging website „Twitter”, internet comments, „Latvian language web corpus” (Web 2020), etc. – sources, where the reflection of spoken language is available. The study concludes that constructions where with a prefix verb (also sometimes with unprefixed verb) are used a preposition verb and an adverb that are close in meaning, formally could be considered as a redundancy, but these constructions are widely used in the language and various semantic nuances are observed between them.
Filoloģija , bezpriedēkļa verbs , priedēkļa verbs , prievārds , adverbs , semantika