2013.gadā "Oxford English Dictionary" pievienotajos šķirkļa vārdos izmantotie vārddarināšanas paņēmieni
Liepiņa, Zanda
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Latvijas Universitāte
Šis darbs aplūko vārddarināšanas veidus, kas izmantoti šķirkļa vārdu darināšanā, kas ir pievienoti Oksfordas Angļu valodas vārdnīcai 2013. gadā. Šī darba mērķis bija noskaidrot visus izmantotos vārddarināšanas paņēmienus, kas ir pielietoti 2013. gadā OAV pievienoto šķirkļa vārdu darināšanā, noteikt to pielietošanas biežumu, kā arī analizēt šķirkļa vārdu stilistisko iedalījumu un nozares, pie kurām tie pieder. Pētījums ir balstīts uz 466 vārdiem, kas ir pievienoti Oksfordas Angļu valodas vārdnīcai 2013. gadā. Pētījuma rezultāti norāda uz to, ka lielākā daļa vārdu ir lietvārdi, un visbiežāk izmantotais vārdu darināšanas veids ir vārdu atvasināšana, kam seko salikteņu veidošana. Lielākajā daļā gadījumu atvasināšana tiek veikta, pievienojot pamatvārdam priedēkli. Lielākā daļa salikteņu ir lietvārda salikteņi ar struktūru ‘lietvārds + lietvārds’.
The present thesis reviews the word-formation patterns that are used in creating the headwords that have been introduced in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. The goal of the paper was to study all word-formation patterns that have been applied in creation of headwords which were introduced in the OED in 2013, determine the frequency of their usage, and analyse the field of science and stylistic layers represented by the headwords. The research was based on 466 words that have been added to the OED in March, June, September and December of 2013. The results of the research indicate that the majority of headwords are nouns and the most frequently used pattern is derivation, followed by compounding. In most of the cases, derivation is carried out by adding a suffix to the base word. The majority of compounds are noun compounds with the structure ‘noun + noun’.
The present thesis reviews the word-formation patterns that are used in creating the headwords that have been introduced in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. The goal of the paper was to study all word-formation patterns that have been applied in creation of headwords which were introduced in the OED in 2013, determine the frequency of their usage, and analyse the field of science and stylistic layers represented by the headwords. The research was based on 466 words that have been added to the OED in March, June, September and December of 2013. The results of the research indicate that the majority of headwords are nouns and the most frequently used pattern is derivation, followed by compounding. In most of the cases, derivation is carried out by adding a suffix to the base word. The majority of compounds are noun compounds with the structure ‘noun + noun’.