Nonākot pretrunās: afgāņu patvēruma meklētāju izpratne un spēja tikt galā ar potenciāli traumatiskām pieredzēm Lesbas salā, Grieķijā
Thaller, Tanja Claudia
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Latvijas Universitāte
Izmantojot medicīnas antropoloģijas pieeju un iedvesmojoties no Klainmana (Kleinman), es pētu skaidrojošos modeļus, kurus izmanto patvēruma meklētāji no Afganistānas Mavrovouni nometnē Lesbas salā. Balstoties tiešsaistē veiktās padziļinātās intervijās, kā arī līdzdalīgajā novērojumā, ko veicu, piecus mēnešus uzturoties Mitilēnā, es izklāstu pētījuma dalībnieku izpratni par labbūtību (wellbeing) un ciešanām, to iemesliem, piešķirtajām nozīmēm un reakcijām uz ciešanām. Kā ciešanu avoti var tik nosaukti gan personiskas īpašības, piemēram, spēks, gan ārēji faktori, piemēram, piespiedu nekustīgums. Atbildē uz tiem iespiējamams ciešanu cēlioni vai nu pieņemt, vai cīnīties pret to. Šo izpratņu stāsti ir piesātināti ar pretrunām, kas rodas no pastāvīgām pārrunām ar sevi. Dalībnieki pastāvīgi meklē jaunas nozīmes, kuras piešķirt ciešanām, atbildei uz tām, un vainai. Šo iekšējo dialogu ietekmē pārmērīgs stresoru daudzums, neveiksmīga reakcija uz ciešanām un nedrošība
Adopting a medical anthropology approach inspired by Kleinman, I explore the explanatory models of asylum-seekers from Afghanistan in the Mavrovouni camp on Lesvos. Based on online in-depth interviews and participant observation during a five month stay in Mytilene, I demonstrate participants’ understanding of wellbeing and distress, causes thereof, attributed meanings, and distress responses. Causes for distress are both attributed to personal traits such as strength and external factors such as involuntary immobility. Responses are either to accept or fight the distress cause. Narrations of these understandings are riddled with contradictions which derive from ongoing negotiations with oneself. Participants renegotiate meanings they attribute to distress, adequate response, and blame. Negotiations are influenced by excessive stressors, failed distress responses, and uncertainty
Adopting a medical anthropology approach inspired by Kleinman, I explore the explanatory models of asylum-seekers from Afghanistan in the Mavrovouni camp on Lesvos. Based on online in-depth interviews and participant observation during a five month stay in Mytilene, I demonstrate participants’ understanding of wellbeing and distress, causes thereof, attributed meanings, and distress responses. Causes for distress are both attributed to personal traits such as strength and external factors such as involuntary immobility. Responses are either to accept or fight the distress cause. Narrations of these understandings are riddled with contradictions which derive from ongoing negotiations with oneself. Participants renegotiate meanings they attribute to distress, adequate response, and blame. Negotiations are influenced by excessive stressors, failed distress responses, and uncertainty
Antropoloģija , Afghan refugees , Lesvos , explanatory model , wellbeing , distress