Krāsu funkcionalitāte Ovidija poēmā „Metamorfozes”
Ābena, Anna
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darbā Krāsu funkcionalitāte Ovidija poēmā Metamorfozes tiek pētīta Ovidija poēma Metamorfozes oriģinālvalodā, no kuras tiek tulkotas un analizētas vārdu savienojumos ietvertās krāsas un tajos ietvertās funkcijas ainavu un tēlu atspoguļojumā. Darbā tiek apskatīti antīko domātāju (Alkmaiona, Empedokla, Pitagora, Hipokrāta, Platona un Aristoteļa) uzskati par dabā pastāvošajiem likumiem, kas ir cieši saistīti ar krāsu un tās simbolisko nozīmi, kā arī tiek aplūkoti problēmjautājumi par krāsu lietošanas principiem klasiskā senatnē sarakstītajos literatūras darbos. Bakalaura darbā aplūkotām krāsām tiek atklāta to simboliskā un estētiskā nozīme, kas sniedz iespēju uztvert poēmā ietvertā sižeta apslēptās nianses, un spēt pamanīt signālus, kas vēsta par poēmas sižeta gaitā sagaidāmajiem notikumiem.
Atslēgvārdi: mitoloģija, krāsas, simboli, tēli, funkcionalitāte, Metamorfozes.
The Bachelor’s work Functions of Colours in Ovid’s Poem „Metamorphoses” deals with Ovid’s poem (in original) and includes translations and analysis of color meaning and its function to reveal character and in the landscape included information. Attention is paid to the ancient philosophers (Alcmaeon, Empedocles, Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Plato and Aristotle) views on natural law, which are strongly related to the color and its symbolic meaning, as well as to the issues of principles of the color use in literary works of classical antiquity. In the bachelor’s work discussed subjects color symbolic and aesthetic meaning is revealed, which gives an opportunity to understand plot more deeply and helps us to predict upcoming events and their development. Keywords: mythology, color, symbol, character, functionality, Metamorphoses.
The Bachelor’s work Functions of Colours in Ovid’s Poem „Metamorphoses” deals with Ovid’s poem (in original) and includes translations and analysis of color meaning and its function to reveal character and in the landscape included information. Attention is paid to the ancient philosophers (Alcmaeon, Empedocles, Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Plato and Aristotle) views on natural law, which are strongly related to the color and its symbolic meaning, as well as to the issues of principles of the color use in literary works of classical antiquity. In the bachelor’s work discussed subjects color symbolic and aesthetic meaning is revealed, which gives an opportunity to understand plot more deeply and helps us to predict upcoming events and their development. Keywords: mythology, color, symbol, character, functionality, Metamorphoses.