Jauniešu mērķtiecības un sasniegumu veidošanās mijsakarības dzīvesdarbībā
Bernarde, Māra
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Promocijas darba “Jauniešu mērķtiecības un sasniegumu veidošanās mijsakarības
dzīvesdarbībā” mērķis ir izpētīt jaunieša mērķtiecības un sasniegumu veidošanās mijsakarību
dzīvesdarbībā un izveidot darbības modeli apzinātai mērķtiecības attīstības sekmēšanai skolā.
Pētījuma gaita un tā rezultāti izklāstīti 2 nodaļās.
Pirmajā nodaļā „Jauniešu dzīves darbības mērķtiecības un sasniegumu būtība, to
sakarība” analizēts mērķis kā dzīves darbības pamats; sasniegumi dzīves darbības struktūrā;
izveidotais jauniešu mērķtiecības un sasniegumu veidošanās strukturālais modelis. Analizējot
mērķi kā dzīves darbības pamatu, raksturota dzīves darbības būtība un struktūra; mērķa un
mērķtiecības būtība; atsaucoties uz pētījumiem, analizēti mērķtiecību veicinošie faktori
jauniešu dzīvesdarbībā skolā. Analizējot sasniegumus dzīves darbības struktūrā, raksturoti
sasniegumi darbībā kā mācību sasniegumus veicinošie objektīvie un subjektīvie komponenti;
analizētas sasniegumu un mērķtiecības mijsakarības. Konstatēts, ka mērķtiecība ir svarīgākā
personības gribas īpašība, kas izpaužas prasmē izvirzīt un sasniegt mērķi, mērķtiecības
attīstību veicina mācību un citu dzīvesdarbības jomu mērķu apzināšanās un atbilstošu līdzekļu
izmantošana to sasniegšanā pretēji stihiskai darbībai; mērķtiecības attīstībā nepieciešama
rosinoša skolotāja palīdzība mērķu apzināšanās, mērķu izvirzīšanas prasmju attīstībā, līdzekļu
izvēlē mērķu sasniegšanai; mērķtiecība ir saistīta ar sasniegumiem – sasniegumi ir
mērķtiecības rezultāts.
Otrajā nodaļā analizēta empīriskā pētījuma norise, kurš veikts, lai pārbaudītu jauniešu
mērķtiecības un sasniegumu veidošanās mijsakarības dzīves darbībā skolā. Izmantojot aptauju
un intervijas pārbaudīts jauniešu mērķtiecības un sasniegumu veidošanās strukturālais
modelis. Analizēti jauniešu mērķtiecības un sasniegumu veidošanās dzīves darbībā skolā
subjektīvo un objektīvo kritēriju pašnovērtējuma rezultāti; analizēti sekmīgu pieaugušo
cilvēku un mazāk sekmīgu cilvēku – ilgstošu bezdarbnieku - mērķtiecības un sasniegumu
veidošanās dzīves darbībā skolā retrospektīva pašnovērtējuma rezultāti. Ir raksturotas būtiskas
jauniešu mērķtiecības un sasniegumu veidošanās dzīves darbībā skolā mijsakarības, kā arī
salīdzināti sekmīgu un mazāk sekmīgu pieaugušo cilvēku un jauniešu mērķtiecības un
sasniegumu pašnovērtējuma rezultāti. Iegūtie rezultāti ļauj spriest par jauniešu – vidusskolēnu
– un sekmīgu pieaugušo cilvēku mērķtiecības un sasniegumu veidošanās pozitīvu dinamiku
dzīves darbībā skolā. Konstatēta dzīves darbības skolā nozīme jauniešu mērķtiecības un
sasniegumu veidošanās sekmēšanā. Pierādīts, ka jauniešu mērķtiecības un sasniegumu
veidošanās ir būtiski saistītas.
Darba pamatteksts izklāstīts 177 lapaspusē, to ilustrē 51 attēli, 37 tabula un 17
pielikumi. Literatūras sarakstā iekļauti 300 publikāciju un avotu nosaukumi.
The goal of the promotion paper on "Interrelation of youth purposefulness and achievement formation in life activities" is to study the interrelation between young person's purposefulness and achievement formation in life activities and develop a model for a intentional facilitation of such purposefulness at school. The course of the study and the results of, are set out in two chapters. The first chapter on "Basis of youth life activity purposefulness and achievements, the relation of" reviews a purpose as the basis for a life activity: structural model of youth purposefulness and achievement formation. Upon analysing a purpose as the basis for any life activities, author described the structure and essence of life activity; the basis of a purpose and purposefulness; various purposefulness facilitating factors in young persons' life activity at school were analysed with reference to other studies. Analysis of achievements in the structure of life activities includes a description of achievements that are both subjective and objective facilitators of learning achievements; interrelation between achievements and purposefulness was analysed. It was found that purposefulness is the most important feature of one's personal will which exhibits itself as a will to achieve a goal, purposefulness development is facilitated by realisation of various learning and other life activity related goals and application of suitable means in achieving such goals as opposed to spontaneous action; a development of purposefulness requires an assistance on the part of the teacher in order to realise such goals, develop skills to set them, select meaning for the achievement of the set goals; purposefulness is linked to achievements - achievement is a result of purposefulness. Second chapter analyses the course of an empirical research which was conducted in order to find the interrelation between youth purposefulness and achievement formation in life activities at school. The structural model of youth purposefulness and achievement formation was validated by the means of surveys and interviews. The subjective and objective criteria self-assessment results in terms of youth purposefulness and achievement formation in life activity at school were analysed; also a retrospective self-assessment result set of both successful and less successful - long term unemployed - adults on the purposefulness and achievement formation in life activity at school were analysed. Interrelations between youth purposefulness and achievement formation in life activity at school were defined as well as the self-assessment results on purposefulness and achievements of successful adults and youth were compared. Findings obtained in the course of the study enable a reflection on the the positive dynamics of youth - secondary school students and successful adult purposefulness and achievement formation in life activity at school. The importance of life activity in school in terms of facilitating youth purposefulness and achievement formation was established. An evidence that youth purposefulness and achievement formation are closely linked was presented in the course of the work. The body of the paper is set out on 181 pages, containing 51 figures, 37 tables and 17 annexes. Bibliography lists 300 various publications and sources.
The goal of the promotion paper on "Interrelation of youth purposefulness and achievement formation in life activities" is to study the interrelation between young person's purposefulness and achievement formation in life activities and develop a model for a intentional facilitation of such purposefulness at school. The course of the study and the results of, are set out in two chapters. The first chapter on "Basis of youth life activity purposefulness and achievements, the relation of" reviews a purpose as the basis for a life activity: structural model of youth purposefulness and achievement formation. Upon analysing a purpose as the basis for any life activities, author described the structure and essence of life activity; the basis of a purpose and purposefulness; various purposefulness facilitating factors in young persons' life activity at school were analysed with reference to other studies. Analysis of achievements in the structure of life activities includes a description of achievements that are both subjective and objective facilitators of learning achievements; interrelation between achievements and purposefulness was analysed. It was found that purposefulness is the most important feature of one's personal will which exhibits itself as a will to achieve a goal, purposefulness development is facilitated by realisation of various learning and other life activity related goals and application of suitable means in achieving such goals as opposed to spontaneous action; a development of purposefulness requires an assistance on the part of the teacher in order to realise such goals, develop skills to set them, select meaning for the achievement of the set goals; purposefulness is linked to achievements - achievement is a result of purposefulness. Second chapter analyses the course of an empirical research which was conducted in order to find the interrelation between youth purposefulness and achievement formation in life activities at school. The structural model of youth purposefulness and achievement formation was validated by the means of surveys and interviews. The subjective and objective criteria self-assessment results in terms of youth purposefulness and achievement formation in life activity at school were analysed; also a retrospective self-assessment result set of both successful and less successful - long term unemployed - adults on the purposefulness and achievement formation in life activity at school were analysed. Interrelations between youth purposefulness and achievement formation in life activity at school were defined as well as the self-assessment results on purposefulness and achievements of successful adults and youth were compared. Findings obtained in the course of the study enable a reflection on the the positive dynamics of youth - secondary school students and successful adult purposefulness and achievement formation in life activity at school. The importance of life activity in school in terms of facilitating youth purposefulness and achievement formation was established. An evidence that youth purposefulness and achievement formation are closely linked was presented in the course of the work. The body of the paper is set out on 181 pages, containing 51 figures, 37 tables and 17 annexes. Bibliography lists 300 various publications and sources.
Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education , Pedagoģija , Skolas pedagoģija , School Pedagogy