Kāzu ieražas krievu un latviešu folklorā
Lāce, Baiba
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Kāzu ieražas latviešu un krievu folklorā”.
Galvenie mērķi un uzdevumi, šajā darbā ir saistīti ar kāzu tradīciju un to etapu izpēti, kā arī salīdzinošo analīzi.
Darbs sastāv no:
-ievada, kurš dod ieskatu izmantotās literatūras izpētē un darba gaitas galvenajos uzdevumos;
-teorētiskās daļas, kurā ir neliels ieskats latviešu un krievu kāzu ieražu vēsturiskajā attīstībā;
-praktiskās daļas, kuras galvenais mērķis ir iepazīstināt un atainot latviešu un krievu kāzu ieražu galvenos etapus;
-nobeiguma, kurš balstīts uz latviešu un krievu kāzu ieražu salīdzinošo analīzi.
Iepazīdami šos senču ģimenes godus un izprazdami ar tiem saistītos ticējumus, dziesmas un rotaļas, kurās ir daudz ētisku un tikumisku atziņu, kļūst saprotamas dažas modernā laikmeta ģimenes dzīves parādības, jo tajās arī dzīvo seno tradīciju vienojošie elementi, no kuriem veidojas nacionālās mentalitātes pamati.
The subject of the bachelor work is “Wedding customs in the Russian and Latvian Folklore”. The main purposes and objectives in this work are connected with the exploration of the wedding customs and their procedural stages as well as with the comparative analysis. The work consists of the following sub-items: -Introduction that gives an insight into the used literature and main objectives of the work process; -Theoretical part where there is a sort insight into the historical development of Latvian and Russian wedding customs; -Practical part, which main purpose is to introduce and with depict main procedural stages of Latvian and Russian wedding customs; -Conclusion that is based on comparative analysis of Latvian and Russian wedding customs. Having been introduced with these family festivities and having understood the respective customs, songs and games where there are lots of ethical and moral recognitions, some features of modern family life become understandable because they maintain the unitary elements of the ancient traditions that form the basis of national mentality.
The subject of the bachelor work is “Wedding customs in the Russian and Latvian Folklore”. The main purposes and objectives in this work are connected with the exploration of the wedding customs and their procedural stages as well as with the comparative analysis. The work consists of the following sub-items: -Introduction that gives an insight into the used literature and main objectives of the work process; -Theoretical part where there is a sort insight into the historical development of Latvian and Russian wedding customs; -Practical part, which main purpose is to introduce and with depict main procedural stages of Latvian and Russian wedding customs; -Conclusion that is based on comparative analysis of Latvian and Russian wedding customs. Having been introduced with these family festivities and having understood the respective customs, songs and games where there are lots of ethical and moral recognitions, some features of modern family life become understandable because they maintain the unitary elements of the ancient traditions that form the basis of national mentality.
Krievu filoloģija