Ar veselības aprūpi saistīto infekciju profilakse operācijas blokā
Savka, Ilona
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Latvijas Universitāte
Tēmas aktualitāti pamato samērā liels infekciju daudzums stacionāros, kā cēlonis ir infekciju profilakses pasākumu neievērošana. Medicīnas personāla mērķis ir uzlabot pacienta veselības stāvokli, nevis papildus radīt komplikācijas, kuru dēļ pacienta uzturēšanās stacionārā ieilgst, palielinot mirstības risku un izdevumus. Infekciju uzraudzībai un profilaksei ir būtiska nozīme infekciju kontrolē. Pētījuma mērķis: Noskaidrot ar veselības aprūpi saistītos infekciju profilakses pasākumus operācijas blokā. Pētījuma uzdevumi: analizēt un apkopot zinātnisko literatūru par ar veselības aprūpi saistītām infekcijām un to profilaksi operācijas blokā; analizēt V. Hendersones māszinības teoriju saistībā ar veselības aprūpi saistīto infekciju profilaksi operācijas blokā; izstrādāt datu ieguvei nepieciešamo pētniecības instrumentu – daļēji strukturētu attālināto interviju, veikt pilotpētījumu; intervēt operācijas blokā strādājošās māsas; apkopot un analizēt iegūtos rezultātus; izdarīt secinājumus. Pētījuma jautājums: Kādi ir prioritārie ar veselības aprūpi saistīto infekciju profilakses pasākumi operācijas blokā? Pētniecības metode un instruments: Kvalitātīvā pētniecības metode – daļēji strukturēta attālinātā intervija, kas sastāv no 8 intervijas jautājumiem. Pētījumā tiek analizēti infekciju profilakses pasākumi un to nozīmīgums operācijas blokā. Prioritārie infekciju profilakses pasākumi operācijas blokā ir higiēnas pasākumi, individuālo aizsarglīdzekļu lietošana un sterilitātes ievērošana. Samazināts pēcoperācijas infekciju daudzums liecina par kvalitatīvi veiktu aprūpi operācijas laikā, ievērojot sterilitāti un visus aseptikas un antiseptikas principus.
The focus of the topic is based on a relatively large number of infections in hospitals caused by the failure to comply with infection prevention measures. The goal of medical staff is to improve the patient's health, not to create additional complications that lead to patient stay in the hospital, increasing the risk of mortality and costs. The surveillance and prevention of infections play an important role in the control of infections. The aim of the work: Identify healthcare associated infection prevention measures in the operating unit. Research tasks: analyse and compile scientific literature on health-related infections and their prevention in the operation unit; analyse V. Henderson's Nursing Theory of health-related infections in the operation unit; to develop a research tool - a semi-structured remote interview, to conduct the pilot research; interview nurses working in the operation unit; process and summarize the results obtained; make conclusions. Research question: What are the priority measures for preventing healthcare associated infections in the operating unit? Research method and instrument: The qualitative research method – a semi-structured remote interview consisting of 8 interview questions. The study analyses the prevention measures for infections and their relevance in the operation unit. Priority measures for the prevention of infections in the operation unit are hygiene measures, the use of personal protective equipment and respect for sterility. Reduced levels of post-operative infections indicate quality care during surgery, observing sterility and all aseptic and antiseptic principles.
The focus of the topic is based on a relatively large number of infections in hospitals caused by the failure to comply with infection prevention measures. The goal of medical staff is to improve the patient's health, not to create additional complications that lead to patient stay in the hospital, increasing the risk of mortality and costs. The surveillance and prevention of infections play an important role in the control of infections. The aim of the work: Identify healthcare associated infection prevention measures in the operating unit. Research tasks: analyse and compile scientific literature on health-related infections and their prevention in the operation unit; analyse V. Henderson's Nursing Theory of health-related infections in the operation unit; to develop a research tool - a semi-structured remote interview, to conduct the pilot research; interview nurses working in the operation unit; process and summarize the results obtained; make conclusions. Research question: What are the priority measures for preventing healthcare associated infections in the operating unit? Research method and instrument: The qualitative research method – a semi-structured remote interview consisting of 8 interview questions. The study analyses the prevention measures for infections and their relevance in the operation unit. Priority measures for the prevention of infections in the operation unit are hygiene measures, the use of personal protective equipment and respect for sterility. Reduced levels of post-operative infections indicate quality care during surgery, observing sterility and all aseptic and antiseptic principles.
Medicīna , ar veselības aprūpi saistītās infekcijas , profilakse , operācijas bloks , .