1,4 - dihidropiridīnu iedarbība uz DNS struktūru
Dzintare, Laura
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba mērķis bija izpētīt deviņu 1,4-DHP atvasinājumu (alapirons, AV-153-Ca, AV-153-Mg, AV-153-Rb, etkarbatons, J-6-138, nimodipīns, nitrendipīns, PP-501) spēju pasargāt plazmīdas pTZ57R DNS struktūru hidroksilradikāla klātbūtnē, kas tika radīts ar Fentona reakcijas palīdzību in vitro. Šo īpašību izvērtēšanai, izmantojām horizontālo gēla elektroforēzes metodi. AV-153-Ca, AV-153-Mg un nitrendipīns uzrāda visizteiktākās plazmīdas DNS pasargājošās īpašības.
The goal of the bachelor thesis was to study DNA protecting properties of plasmid pTZ57R of nine 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives (alapirone, AV-153-Ca, AV-153-Mg, AV-153-Rb, etcarbatone, J-6-138, nimodipine, nitrendipine, PP-501) in hydroyl radical presence, which were generated by Fenton reaction in vitro. Gel horizontal electrophoresis was used to evaluate the DNA protective properties. AV-153-Ca, AV-153-Mg and etcarbaton manifest the most pronounced DNA molecule protecting properties.
The goal of the bachelor thesis was to study DNA protecting properties of plasmid pTZ57R of nine 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives (alapirone, AV-153-Ca, AV-153-Mg, AV-153-Rb, etcarbatone, J-6-138, nimodipine, nitrendipine, PP-501) in hydroyl radical presence, which were generated by Fenton reaction in vitro. Gel horizontal electrophoresis was used to evaluate the DNA protective properties. AV-153-Ca, AV-153-Mg and etcarbaton manifest the most pronounced DNA molecule protecting properties.
Farmācija , 1,4-dihidropiridīni , DNS bojājumi , Hidroksilradikāls , Fentona reakcija