Interneta politiskās komunikācija nozīme atklātības un elektroniskās demokrātijas attīstībā
Valtenbergs, Visvaldis
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Latvijas Universitāte
Interneta politiskas komunikacijas nozime atklatibas un elektroniskas
demokratijas attistiba
Visvaldis Valtenbergs
Atslegvardi: atklatiba, internets, e-demokratija, partijas
Ši darba centra ir jautajumi par interneta potencialu kritiskas un informetas
sabiedriskas domas atjaunošana un parstavnieciskas demokratijas instituciju
pielagošanos musdienu atklatibas, informacijas paterina, komunikacijas un politiskas
lidzdalibas paradumiem. Informacijas un komunikaciju tehnologiju (IKT) politiskas
komunikacijas ierobežojumu mazinašanai piedavata politisko organizaciju
parorientacijas strategija, kura palielina vaji organizetas pilsoniskas sabiedribas un
individualizeto interneta lidzdalibas formu redzamibu atklatiba, vienlaikus saglabajot
musdienu demokratiskajiem režimiem nepieciešamo integritati. Latvijas politisko
partiju interneta komunikacijas analize aprobetas teoretiskas atzinas kalpo ka
normativs un metodologisks ietvars dažadu sabiedribas lidzdalibas IKT risinajumu
lietojumu izstradei un izvertešanai.
The Role of Internet Political Communication in Development of Public Sphere and Electronic Democracy Visvaldis Valtenbergs Keywords: public sphere, internet, e-democracy, parties Central to this thesis are questions about internet’s potential in renewing informed and critical public opinion, and the adaptation of institutions of representative democracy to contemporary notions of public sphere, information consumption, communication and political participation patterns. To overcome limitations of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in political communication, a reorientation strategy for political organizations is introduced. This strategy increases visibility of weakly organized civil society and individualized forms of political participation in public sphere, while maintaining necessary integrity of democratic regimes. Theoretical notions, approbated in the analysis of internet communication of Latvian political parties, constitute normative and methodological framework which can be applied for introducing and evaluating different ICT applications of civil participation.
The Role of Internet Political Communication in Development of Public Sphere and Electronic Democracy Visvaldis Valtenbergs Keywords: public sphere, internet, e-democracy, parties Central to this thesis are questions about internet’s potential in renewing informed and critical public opinion, and the adaptation of institutions of representative democracy to contemporary notions of public sphere, information consumption, communication and political participation patterns. To overcome limitations of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in political communication, a reorientation strategy for political organizations is introduced. This strategy increases visibility of weakly organized civil society and individualized forms of political participation in public sphere, while maintaining necessary integrity of democratic regimes. Theoretical notions, approbated in the analysis of internet communication of Latvian political parties, constitute normative and methodological framework which can be applied for introducing and evaluating different ICT applications of civil participation.
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus
Politikas zinātne , Politikas zinātne (politoloģija) , Socioloģija, politoloģija, antropoloģija