16. gadsimta Rīgas humānistu enkomiskā dzeja
Vanaga, Ilze
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Latvijas Universitāte
16.gadsimta Rīgas humānistu Augustīna Eicēdija un Bazilija Plīnija enkomiskā dzeja – Daugavas purpura paklājs un Slavas dziesma Rīgai – ir divi tipiski Livonijas enkomiskās dzejas paraugi. Enkomija žanrs ar izejas punktu renesanses laika Itālijā ir radis auglīgu augsni arī Livonijas humānistu vidū, bet lokālu sociālpolitisku, ģeogrāfisku un vēsturisku apstākļu dēļ ir ieguvis specifiskus vaibstus.
Livonijas enkomija tradīciju nosaka vairākas faktu grupas, kuru pamatā galvenokārt ir Eiropas politiskās norises, kā arī pagānisko Baltijas tautu pretnostatījums kristīgajai Rietumeiropai, kas nereti pāraug ideoloģiskā propagandā un atklāj neobjektīvu vai formālu notikumu atspoguļojumu. Neskatoties uz to, abi enkomiji vērtējami kā sava laika noteikta sabiedrības slāņa domas atspoguļotājs un Baltijas tautu vēstures izziņas materiāls.
The 16th century encomium poetry – The Purple Carpet of Daugava and The Encomium to Riga – are two typical examples of Livonian encomium poetry. The encomium genre beginnings can be traced back to the Renaissance period in Italy and it has found fertile ground amidst Livonian humanists, though, because of local social-politic, geographic and historical qualities it has accumulated specific traits. The tradition of Livonian encomium embraces several unique features, which are based in European political processes and also in local Baltic pagan population confrontations with Christian Western Europe, which tends to overgrow in ideological propaganda revealing unfair approach towards actuality. Nevertheless, both encomia can be viewed as an outstanding image of society and as a rich reference material of Baltic history.
The 16th century encomium poetry – The Purple Carpet of Daugava and The Encomium to Riga – are two typical examples of Livonian encomium poetry. The encomium genre beginnings can be traced back to the Renaissance period in Italy and it has found fertile ground amidst Livonian humanists, though, because of local social-politic, geographic and historical qualities it has accumulated specific traits. The tradition of Livonian encomium embraces several unique features, which are based in European political processes and also in local Baltic pagan population confrontations with Christian Western Europe, which tends to overgrow in ideological propaganda revealing unfair approach towards actuality. Nevertheless, both encomia can be viewed as an outstanding image of society and as a rich reference material of Baltic history.