Mazākumtautību protesta kustību rašanās: Latvijas krievvalodīgās minoritātes gadījuma analīze
Boguševiča, Tatjana
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Latvijas Universitāte
Promocijas darba mērķis ir izskaidrot, kādēļ iepriekš mazaktīva minoritāte izveido sociālo
protesta kustību pret valsts politiku. Darba uzdevums ir sniegt ieguldījumu protesta kustību
veidošanās izpratnē, analizējot pastāvošās teorētiskās pieejas un papildinot tās ar atziņām,
kuras izriet no praktiskā gadījuma izpētes. Politikas zinātnē bez pārklāšanās pastāv divas
pieejas, kuras skaidro minoritātes iesaistīšanos protesta kustībā - sociālo kustību pieeja un
etniskās mobilizācijas pieeja. Autore tās kritiski analizē, veidojot savu etniskās mobilizācijas
modeli. Šo modeli viņa pārbauda uz empīriskā materiāla bāzes, tālab veic Latvijas
krievvalodīgās minoritātes trīs mobilizācijas gadījumu asinhronisko salīdzinošo analīzi.
Rezultātā autore ierosina vairākas modifikācijas pastāvošajās teorijās, kā arī precizē savu
mobilizācijas modeli.
The aim of the thesis is to explain the launching of a social movement by a previously quiescent minority to protest against a state policy. The paper focus is on relevant approaches and theories, specifying them through the analysis of the puzzling case of the mobilization of the Russian-speaking minority in Latvia. The author compares the social movement approach with the ethnic mobilization approach. Based on the critical analysis of the gaps and overlaps of the approaches, she elaborates a synthesized ethnic mobilization model. She outlines details of the structure, culture and rationality of the model, stressing their role for various aspects of mobilization. She then tests the model, using the empirical evidence, provided by the case of the Russian-speaking minority. As the result, some modifications to the existing theories are proposed and the mobilization model is reconsidered.
The aim of the thesis is to explain the launching of a social movement by a previously quiescent minority to protest against a state policy. The paper focus is on relevant approaches and theories, specifying them through the analysis of the puzzling case of the mobilization of the Russian-speaking minority in Latvia. The author compares the social movement approach with the ethnic mobilization approach. Based on the critical analysis of the gaps and overlaps of the approaches, she elaborates a synthesized ethnic mobilization model. She outlines details of the structure, culture and rationality of the model, stressing their role for various aspects of mobilization. She then tests the model, using the empirical evidence, provided by the case of the Russian-speaking minority. As the result, some modifications to the existing theories are proposed and the mobilization model is reconsidered.
Politikas zinātne , Salīdzināmā politika , Political science , Comparative policy