Algebriskās nevienādības 11. klases matemātikas mācību riekšmeta saturā
Atslēdziņa, Māra
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darba mērķis: Atbalsta materiālu izveide efektīvākai tēmas „Algebriskas nevienādības” apguvei. Lai sasniegtu darba mērķi, autore veica pētījumu, aptaujājot 13 matemātikas skolotājas no trīs novadu skolām. Analizējot aptauju, autore noskaidroja matemātikas skolotāju viedokli par tēmas „Algebriskas nevienādības” mācību procesu. Autore secināja, ka tēma „Algebriskas nevienādības” skolēniem ir saprotama, ja ir stabilas un labas pamatzināšanas no pamatskolas kursa. Visnozīmīgākais tēmas apguvē ir skolēnu patstāvīgais darbs, kā arī mācību stundā uzdotie mājas darbi zināšanu nostiprināšanai. Izanalizējot matemātikas skolotāju ieteikumus, autore izstrādāja atbalsta materiālus, kas veicina skolēnu patstāvīgo darbu: stundas paraugus, paškontroles lapas, formatīvās vērtēšanas darbus, apkopoja dažādu autoru teksta uzdevumus.
The aim of the bachelor thesis: To create support materials for more effective teaching and learning process of the theme "Algebraic inequalities”. To achieve the goal, the author conducted a study, interviewing 13 mathematics teachers from schools in three counties. Analyzing the survey, the author revealed the views of the mathematics teachers on learning process of the theme "Algebraic inequalities'. The author concluded that the ability to understand and acquire the theme "Algebraic inequalities" mainly depends on the students’ stable and good basic knowledge of the primary course. The most important issues are the students' independent work, work at the lessons and homework for consolidation of the students’ knowledge and skills.
The aim of the bachelor thesis: To create support materials for more effective teaching and learning process of the theme "Algebraic inequalities”. To achieve the goal, the author conducted a study, interviewing 13 mathematics teachers from schools in three counties. Analyzing the survey, the author revealed the views of the mathematics teachers on learning process of the theme "Algebraic inequalities'. The author concluded that the ability to understand and acquire the theme "Algebraic inequalities" mainly depends on the students’ stable and good basic knowledge of the primary course. The most important issues are the students' independent work, work at the lessons and homework for consolidation of the students’ knowledge and skills.
Pedagoģija , algebriskas nevienadibas , linearas nevienadibas , dalveida nevienadibas , kvadratnevienadibas , atbalsta materiali