N. Gogoļa garstāsta "Vijs" ekranizācija (1967).
Pavlovska, Anžela
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Latvijas Universitāte
Bakalaura darbs veltīts salīdzinošajai analīzei N. Gogoļā garstāsta "Vijs" un tās 1967. gada ekarnizācijas salīdzinošajai analīzei. Pētījuma mērķis – sastatīt literāro tekstu ar kinotekstu. Darbs sastāv no divām nodaļām. Pirmajā nodaļā iztirzāta pētījumam nepieciešamā teorētiskā bāze. Otrajā nodaļā ir apkopots materiāls par garstāstu un tā ekranizāciju, kā arī veikta abu tekstu praktiska salīdzinošā analīze. Pētījums var ieinteresēt filologus, mākslas vēsturniekus, lingvistus un kinokritiķus.
The bachelor thesis is devoted to a comparative analysis of N. V. Gogol's story "Viy" and (1967) film adaptation. The aim of the study was to compare the literary text with the film text. The bachelor thesis consists of two parts. The first part is the theoretical base, which was needed for analyze. The second part contains material of the story and film adaptation, as well as their comparative analysis. May be of interest to philologists, art historians, linguists and film critics.
The bachelor thesis is devoted to a comparative analysis of N. V. Gogol's story "Viy" and (1967) film adaptation. The aim of the study was to compare the literary text with the film text. The bachelor thesis consists of two parts. The first part is the theoretical base, which was needed for analyze. The second part contains material of the story and film adaptation, as well as their comparative analysis. May be of interest to philologists, art historians, linguists and film critics.
Valodniecība , экранизация , повесть , "Вий" , язык , текст